Chapter 8

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I drag myself down the stairs not really wanting to go to school.

"Good Morning Reign," my dad says happily in my ear as I enter the kitchen. I walk past him failing to answer his greeting. I sit down at the kitchen table and look at the food in front of me before I begin to play with it using my fork.

"Reign?" My dad calls my name as he takes the seat next to me.

"Hmm?" I say still watching my food.

"What's wrong?" He says rubbing small circles on my back. I shrug him off and continue to trail my food around the plate."Not gonna tell me?" He says still watching me intently as I shake my head no. He nods and rests his elbows on the table and putting his chin in his hand.

"Well can you at least tell me why Zayn isn't coming to pick you up today?" He says nonchalantly like it isn't a major no-no topic.

"No!" I snap looking up at him and I instantly regret it. He has the biggest smile on his face. I shake my head when I realize he was only saying that to get a rise out of me.

"Well I'm curious," he laughs.

"Well curiosity killed the cat," I point out. He doesn't say anything in response so I look up at him. He's looking at me like I'm a whole different person, like I had somehow changed in the time that I sat down till just right now.

"What?" I laugh feeling my cheeks start to get red.

"It's just- You remind me so much of you're mother," he says sighing into his palm. My smile slowly begins to fade away. "You're mother used to say that aaaaalll the time! And now that you mentioned it I've never even notice how much you look like her. I mean you're hair, you're eyes, you're face. You might as well not even be my daughter. You could be her tw-"

"Dad stop," I say looking down at my food again beginning to play with my food again.

"What?" My dad says sounding more shocked than I expected.

"I just...don't wanna talk about her okay?" I say sort of snappy.

"But I don't understand why-"

"Dad, please!" I yell at him standing up."Can you just take me to school?" He looks at me like I've just sprouted two horns and a tail. He nods his head and grabs his keys heading for the car as I follow closely behind him.

I get into the car as soon as the doors unlock and I could feel my dad watching me but I ignore the feeling completely.

"You know Reign," My dad begins and I groan.

"You can't just push it away honey. You can't just put that box in the attic and shut the door. Believe me I've tried. Literally." He sighed. I turned my head no longer wanting to look out the window at the scenery. It was too much like what I wanted my life to be like; simply beautiful. There wasn't much to it but it all fit, every part.

"You know when you're mom passed, I blamed her." I turned to look at my dad but his gaze was elsewhere. He was elsewhere. He was here but his mind wondered I could tell by the look of distance on his face. He chuckled to himself being lost in a memory that he probably tucked away.

"I blamed her for leaving me. I blamed her for leaving you without a mother. I blamed her for not hanging on longer, a least until you could understand what was happening," He began to whisper more to himself than to me. I listened carefully although I kind of didn't want to. I tried to put this behind me, but I always knew it couldn't avoid it forever.

"At one point I got rid of every picture of her in the house only to realize that getting rid of her picture wouldn't make you forget her. Everyday you asked for her. You wanted to know every thing about her," His face pulled into a smile as he recalled the memories.

I'm Pregnant? {1D FanFic}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt