Chapter 48

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One Week Later

~Reign's P.O.V~

"Do you have to go dad?" I say as he and Steve bring their bags towards the door. Steve goes back upstairs and my dad fixed his collar before addressing me.

"Yes, sweetheart. Steve and I have a business meeting and we're lucky enough to be the ones chosen to go to California to attend the meeting its only the weekend so it won't be so bad," He kisses my forehead. " I know your scared and you don't want to be alone, but next month we're gonna have a brand new edition to the Summers family, and next month it's your birthday so we're gonna do something cool, and I promise all next month I won't be going anywhere," He kisses my forehead multiple times in a row before picking up his bag and taking it to the car, and Steve follows swiftly behind him bringing bags himself. They come back inside one more time, with no more bags to go outside.

"Okay baby we're leaving," I stand up, feeling the pressure on my legs making me a bit wobbly. My dad softly wraps his arms around me, he then kneels down and puts a hand on my stomach. "Hey, you stay in there until we get back, okay little Santiago?"

"Santiago?" I laugh.

"If I knew I'd tell you," Steve laughs.

"That's his name, he is gonna be a boy you know," My dad stands up, laughing along with with Steve and I. He gives me one more kiss on the cheek before him and Steve head out into the car. I watch as they leave saddened that they're not taking me with them. I go back to the living room not exactly sure what to do. I turn on the television and mindlessly watch from boredom.

I get a call from my father about an hour later saying that he successfully got to the airport but was still waiting to check in. He said the lines were "Only to be described as Black Friday lines," which in turn made me laugh and a little happier that I was told to stay home. I sat on the couch getting entirely sucked into the show I haven't even heard of until today. My phone begins to vibrate next to me, I put down my glass of water without looking and answer the phone.

"Dad I'm fine I promise," I sigh into the phone my eyes glued to the television.

"Uh..Reign?" A familiar voice says which is immediately recognized as Louis' voice.

"Louis! Oh my god I'm so sorry I thought it was my dad and-" I immediately turn down the television at the realization that it was Louis.

"It's alright Reign," he lightly chuckles through the phone making me do the same.

"I was just calling to uh...say thank you for coming to the graduation last Saturday," he says calmer than when he spoke earlier.

"Yeah it's no problem Louis, we're really good friends I'd always be there to support you," I have a small smile on my face, and I lightly place my hand on my stomach.

"Yeah, but I wasn't really thanking you for me, but more on Zayn's behalf," he speaks calmly and I let out a sigh. "Zayn, he really misses you ya know,"

"Louis I really don't want to talk about-"

"Just please hear me out?" I sigh in response and he takes a deep breath.

"He really cares about you Reign and he's realized all his mistakes and he has owned up to them-"

"So why isn't he the one talking to me right now?" I interrupted him.

"Because you and I both know that you wouldn't answer the phone if he called," he replied, and I stay quiet, awaiting him to finish talking.

"I know if you didn't love and care about him there is no way you would've came to the graduation, but you did and you do as much as you try and deny it. And as much as Zayn says that you'll be better off without him and as much as he tries to move on, he can't, because his heart belongs with you Reign. Now I know that I haven't been a great mate all around, there was even points where I let my feelings, the adoration I had for you, cloudjudgement and may have lead Zayn to do things he probably wouldn't have, but I see where I stand with you, I see where Harry, Kim, and Riley stand with you, and I see where you stand with Zayn, and I honestly believe you're making a mistake by leaving him to be with this..other guy," Louis stopped and waited for my rebuttal, but I was overwhelmed.

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