Chapter 26

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~Harry's POV~

"I don't understand why you like coming to these parties, they're crafted by the devil himself," I say frowning as I walk up the driveway to the all to familiar large two story Fittens household. It's like you never see parties at one story houses which is totally overrated. You can have a party where you can have fun, right?

"Oh stop being a baby," She laughs and slaps my cast. I yelp in pain and she turns around instantly regretting her decision.

"Oh my gosh, Harry I'm so sorry!" She takes ahold of my cast to kiss my fingers. I watch her and laugh.

"You look so fucking weird right now," she smiles in between her kisses but doesn't stop.

"Well do you feel better?" She asked looking up at me ceasing her kisses and I shrugged.

"It's making me horny," she laughed and leaned up placing a kiss on my cheek.

"We'll take care of that later," She whispers in my ear and winks before taking my non-injured hand and dragging me into the house. We linger at the doorway taking in the craziness of this party. There were mounds of people everywhere, a classic Fittens party. Drugs, Alcohol, people looking like their about to have sex whilst dancing.

"Maybe we should g-"

"Are you insane this party is awesome!!" She like screams cutting me off completely. I shake my head wondering how she can stand these things.

"Go ahead. Be free you weirdo," I laugh and shoo her away.

"I'll get my friends so they can meet you," She gasps jumping excitedly for some reason, then gives me a swift kiss and disappears into the crowd of rowdy adolescence. I walk around the party going room to room trying to find out where a quiet place was where Kim wouldn't find me when she found her friends , but of course it was no where to be found. I sigh eventually settling on one of the bedrooms upstairs. As I go upstairs being extremely careful because the whole fucking house it almost pitch black. I pick one of the rooms randomly and go inside quietly. I run my hand through my hair and switch on the light in the dark room.

"C'mon Z, live a little..." I hear and the next thing I see is a girl shuffling off some guy that was laid back on the bed.

"Gross," I say covering my eyes with my cast then turning the light back off. I hear a bunch of shuffling and shortly afterwards I hear her clear her throat and I move my cast from my eyes and am not surprised when I see Riley silhouetted through the light from the window, wearing a skimpy dress with her hair going in all different directions.

"Harry," She smiles devilishly.

"Whore," I say back and she scoffs pushing past me then out the bedroom door. I go to follow her out the door.

"Ugh..fuck...," I hear the guy on the bed say, and I look over to him and his hands are covering his face. I look back to Riley, who is now halfway down the steps. I sigh and turn back to the guy to go help him out of his drunken stupor.

"Here grab my arm," I say as I walk over to the guy. He weakly grabs my arm and soon as he does he vomits on the bed.

"Gross" I say as he sits all the way up , his head hung low and his palms pressed against his forehead, groaning.

"Ha-Harry....what's..what up bro?" He says sluggishly looking up to me, his head unable to stay straight up, looking like he would fall over if I wasn't next to him. Hi voice sounds familiar so I turn away from him to turn back on the light, and sure enough I see Zayn sitting on the bed.

"Zayn? What the fuck man? What are you doing here?" I said standing clear of him cause he reeks of vomit.

"I.." He laughs rubbing his temples."I don't even know man," he begins to laugh uncontrollably and I shake my head realizing just how drunk he was. He stopped laughing abruptly and looked down at the bed.

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