Chapter 47

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~Reign's P.O.V~

"Well?" He says as he closes the door and turns around to me. I walk out of the kitchen and to the front door where my dad waited. I stood quietly by him thinking about what he said. His graduation? Should I go? Half of me, wanted nothing to do with him, while the other half wanted to run, if I could, to him and congratulate him over and over. I don't want to go, but this is all I ever wanted for Zayn to do, focus on his school, and graduate so that whenever school is over he could get a job or hell even go back to school, but now that the time is here, I can't make a decision.

"Do you care about him, Reign?" My dad asked me, and I nodded. "Okay so go upstairs, we have plenty of time, and get ready, okay?" He kisses my forehead and then heads to the kitchen. I start to head up stairs but it gets very problematic, but thankfully my dad comes back to help me up, and as I reach my room I reluctantly begin to get ready.

"I'd like you to congratulate them all, the class of 2016!" The person at the microphone said and the whole audience cheered as the graduates threw up their caps in celebration. I clap along with my father and Steve, who has his arm wrapped around my dad, and instead of clapping he stomps his feet. I laugh because they are the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"Well are we ready to go?" Steve asked my dad and I and I began to nod but my dad interrupts.

"Not yet! We have to congratulate the graduate! Have you never been to a graduation?" My dad laughs playfully hitting Steve's leg

"I've seen my graduation, but only because I was there," Steve and I laugh and my dad frowned.

"After we see Zayn we go, okay?"

"Yes sir," Steve says watching my dad as he got up and helps me up and out of the bleachers. We walk outside and as we do the sun warms my skin and I feel rapid kicks in my stomach. I smile putting a hand on my stomach to calm the baby. As I look up I spot Harry and Kimberly sharing a kiss around their friends and family. I'm proud of him, but still upset Kim is still with him, but not upset enough to go and speak to them. The baby starts to kick my stomach again, getting a bit restless.

"Dad, the baby is kicking a lot, can we go please?" I ask my father and he frowns.

"She is getting pretty close to that time John," Steve whispers into my dads ear. He nods and Steve offers me his hand and we begin to walk to the car, going through the mass of people gathered outside the graduation hall. As we near the car Steve nudges me. I look ahead and see Zayn leaned against the car speaking to someone I believe is Louis.

"Louis!" My dad engulfs Louis in a bear hug and Louis laughs, and Steve scoffs apparently getting jealous that dad is so affectionate with Louis and I chuckle lightly. Louis and Zayn both noticed me after that. Zayn's eyed darted to my stomach before looking into my eyes and smiling. When we reach close enough to the car Steve introduced himself to the two guys then goes into the car to start it up. Louis gives me a hug and I congratulate him one more time before he leaves Zayn and I alone outside the car. The first thing I notice about him is his hair, or the lack there of.

"I'm glad you came," he smiled and I smile back pushing hair behind my ear out of my face.

"So am I. Your's gone," I laugh as I rest one of my hands onto my stomach.

"Yeah, I thought it was time for something different," He chuckles lightly running a hand over his freshly cut down hair. "You look ready to pop! How long until your due?" He asked stepping a bit closer to me.

"Uh, a month and 2 weeks," he brings a hand up and looks at me, I nod and he brings his hand onto my stomach, and the baby kicks the same instant. He leans down his ear to my stomach.

"Miss me?" He chuckles and my breathing hitched. "Don't worry a few more weeks and your Home free, I promise," he stands back up. I'm left with no words to say.

"Have you thought of any names?"

"Well if it's a girl id like Abigail, and if it's a boy I think, Shaun," I say looking back down at my stomach.

"Ahh so you're still keeping the gender a secret until-,"

"Yeah," I smile brightly and he mimics my countenance.

"Well I know you can't wait, hey maybe if-" he's interrupted by the honking of the horn.

"Let's go Reign," my dad says and I comply trying to get into the car.

"Here let me help you," Zayn opens the door for me and offers support while I enter the car. I look up to say thank you but his eyes are already on me. When he looks at me this way it's makes me forget everything, makes me remember why I love him so much, and he has such an impact on my heart. He closes the car door after saying good bye to my dad and Steve, and as we drive away he waves a hand at me and I do the same, ignoring the nagging feeling to get out the car and give him a barrage of kisses.

I'm Pregnant? {1D FanFic}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora