Chapter 204: finding a way inside the facility

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The plan was set, everyone knew what they were doing, and what they were responsible for, they all were quiet not just because they knew they couldn't make a sound so they wouldn't be detected by the government officials that was some ways away from them, Jade noted, There was Five watch towers, armed men surrounding the gate, dogs that were in the ground sniffing. The blonde was Scared because she thought the German shepherds that was by their whatever you call them. It wouldn't be owner necessarily, since the armed men didn't own the dog. Unless they did, Jade wasn't sure and knew she could ask her Boyfriend when she got home. She paused, it was more like if she got home, she looked around at the car; she saw her friends, Kaitlyn who was not usually nervous, was playing with her hands in her lap and muttering something that was uncomprenable, Lilla was just staring out the window almost like she was focusing on the scenery outside but there wasn't much to look it, but she didn't say anything mit wanting to disturb Lilla's thoughts.

The blonde girl sighed, as she brushed some hair away from her face, she understood from the very beginning of accepting to help Harumi get home, there was going to be things that were happening, and she could die. She didn't care though she wanted to help, and that clouded  her judgment. She laughed, she wondered how she always got herself into these types of situations, trouble always seemed to follow her and she didn't know why, nor understood why. She always looked at Life, positively looking for the things going right and not the things going wrong but now she could only think what was going  to possibly go wrong.

A number of things could happen, they could  be arrested, Or killed, sent away for learning government secrets so many things could go wrong. And  yet half of her didn't care. She knew the risks, Harumi had told them from the beginning, things were going to get messy and she accepted it. If she was going to back out, that was breaking a promise and she never broke a promise. She  now felt a smile creeping up on her lips. She didn't know why but she got that feeling again.

The one she always got when she got excited, she never knew why she would get so excited, or fixated on something and she never cared because it was a part of who she was, and she knew it wouldn't go away. She felt her hand was shaking, and she felt the urge to shake out her hands like she usually did when she got too excited, or nervous. But she didn't because she didn't want to embarrass herself, in front of Everyone. 

Jade felt herself, hyping herself up, she knew deep down even though it didn't look like it. They had a small sliver of success, and she had a feeling they had a small window of time before they found them out so they needed to be quick, but also stealthy. 

"So, Does Everyone know where they're going?" Lloyds voice cut through everyone's thoughts. As they all looked at him. They were all afraid, and they didn't know what was going to go down. Jade nodded as she slowly shifted the cars gear and made the car go slowly into a stop, as they went and hid the car behind a rock. They all got out, and they all took a second to collect their thoughts, and grab the equipment from the car. There was all different equipment from grappling hooks to smoke bombs. There is even a few daggers in a baseball bat and even more some stuff that they knew that there's a chance they weren't gonna need it, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

Everyone took a few minutes to get Rob. Some people didn't need help putting the weapons on so they would have to ask for help watch double the amount of time that they took to get ready because they knew they couldn't go and blind and they knew that they needed to make sure they were fully prepared so they need to make sure that everything was working correctly. They needed  to make sure that everything was good. Jade on the inside was hyping herself up as she was very nervous but she knew she was going to be fine. It was then Jade looked at Garmadon, "So who's watching Anger, and hatred?" She asked as the blonde turned to look at The two who were growling at each other and looking like they were going to fight at any moment. That wasn't something they needed to deal with at the moment, so she called Garmadon to make sure the two didn't give away their position.

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