II.I. Prologue: Two Years Later

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The combined feeling of laxness and soreness.

The mixes of feelings start hitting you hard as you slowly come to wake up in the blissful morning. Instead of feeling disoriented by their presence, you simply embrace them, silently promising to yourself that you would never trade any of this with anything else in the world. Perhaps ever. Especially not when you are engulfed in the most comforting warmth that helps make you feel as if you are in absolute peace.

The first source of warmth comes to you through the window. The morning sunlight peeks through the seams between the curtains, blanketing you with its brightness and warmth just the way you enjoy waking up to it every morning.

You feel the bed shift and your eyes fall on the other source of warmth that you enjoy seeing the most, engulfing you with his presence. Right beside you lies the man of your dreams, who is still sleeping soundly and still lost deep in his own dreams. Lying on his stomach, he has one arm resting around your waist while the other is snugged under the pillows. His back is bare and his warm skin looks so inviting that you just want to reach out to him—to touch, to run your fingers down his back, to kiss him senseless until he would start wiggling under each touch of your lips.

But you hold yourself back, simply because he looks so peaceful in his sleep and you wouldn't dare to interrupt him from his needed rest. You know just how much he needs the extra hour of sleep as your eyes catch the sight of the red marks on his skin which had been your doing, left behind from the moment you buried your nails onto his skin in the midst of the intense lovemaking you had with him all night.

Looking up, a smile comes to your face when you see the way his tousled hair is falling messily over his face and on the pillows, another work of your hands when you pulled and tugged at the strands while he was busy devouring you last night. Your smile slowly grows wider when your gaze returns to his face, noticing the small smile that has grown while he sleeps. It makes you wonder what he might be seeing in his peaceful dream, wondering if he is seeing the images from last night just like how you are reminiscing every moment of it now.

Enjoying this rare moment of silence and the rare chance to be able to look closely at your lover without any disruption, you run your gaze down his body, stopping at the lower part of his hips where the blanket begins to cover the rest of his skin. Your heart flutters, knowing that he is just as bare underneath even if all that goodness is now completely covered from your perusing eyes with the blanket obstructing your view. The same blanket that has been keeping your modesty since you had fallen asleep just as naked and sated last night after he brought you up to bliss for—oh, you have lost count to know how many times.

He shifts once again and your eyes move up to find his eyes slowly opening, looking up in a sleepy daze at first before they grow dark with wonder and pure lust the moment his gaze falls on your face.

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