II.V. Stalemate

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"Who is Hana? Why is her name written on this card together with Hoseok's name?"

And then you finally see it, a flicker of emotion that your mother fails to control at the mention of Hana's name. The surprised look which quickly shifts into a mixture of sadness and grief. She blinks, and everything disappears, except for a hint of tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

"I honestly have no idea who that is, honey. I really don't," she says, her voice thick with emotions, but she hides it all by avoiding your gaze and looking away.

Your chest hurts, knowing that her answers were nothing but lies. "Don't lie to me, Mom."

She scoffs at hearing this. "Are you accusing your mother of lying?" she asks with an incredulous laugh. "Now why would I do such a thing? I'm telling you, it's probably one of your brother's pranks, nothing more. And why were you digging into other people's things?" your mother continues to complain, not giving you a chance to speak up before she rises from her seat.

"I should finish preparing breakfast before your Dad comes back from dealing with the tents. We should also begin getting things done before the caterers come to start setting up for tonight's rehearsal dinner," she continues to say, suddenly finding her composure again as she rubs her palms down her skirt and turns away. "I think you should start doing something more useful rather than focusing on this nonsense. It's your sister's wedding, anything else can wait."

Realising that you won't be getting any answers, you rise from your seat to leave, but not without questioning her one last time, "So if I ask Yeonjun, he would say the same thing?"

Your mother says nothing, so you simply nod and start walking away. "If you don't want to tell me anything, then I'll find my own answer elsewhere."

"Honey—" Your mother tries to stop you, but you refuse to stay. You just have to get out of there before you would explode with rage.

You make your way to the backyard to get away from your mother, while your frustration keeps rolling through your body. Seeking calmness, you focus on finding Hoseok, while hoping at the same time that perhaps he had the chance to find out more while helping your younger brother. The card is still in your hand, nearly crumpled between your clenched fist, its sharp corners digging into your palm that it is starting to hurt. Just when you step out into the back porch, Hoseok emerges from the tents to see you, as if he can already feel your presence coming from far away.

From the corner of your eyes, you catch the sight of your father and younger brother stepping out of a different tent, paying no attention to either you or Hoseok as they make their way towards the main house. You use this chance to pull Hoseok aside to talk.

"So, how did it go?" he asks, obviously curious to know, while you can only sigh in defeat.

"She won't say anything. Mom said it was nothing, but I can tell that she's hiding something."

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