II - Present: Hoseok

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Hoseok arrives at his office floor not long after with his shoulders squared up,
the false facade of his strength pulled back up to mask the hollowness he is carrying as he walks past the other staffs.

There aren't many employees present this early, and every single one of them is busy with their mornings that they are barely paying attention to his arrival. Yet Hoseok still feels as if he has hundreds of eyes following him with pity.

He says nothing to anyone he walks past and makes his way straight into his office, not even taking a moment to acknowledge his assistant's nervous greeting other than giving him a courteous nod before he swiftly closes the door behind him gently, shutting himself from the world outside.

This is simply unfair. Nothing about this is fair, he wonders with a sigh.

How is anything fair when the world and all those other people around him can still live normally as if nothing had happened, as if you were never a part of his world. While he is left here, alone, wallowing on his loss and pain and not knowing how on earth he is supposed to continue living with a missing piece of his heart having been taken away.

Once he is seated behind his desk, Hoseok leans back and looks up to the ceiling.

His young assistant, Wooyoung, is going to be knocking on his door anytime soon to offer him either tea or coffee before starting the day, just the way he always does. So Hoseok revels on this moment of peace to have a sense of clarity. Though he will always end up doing the same thing at moments like this, which is to close his eyes and recall his morning rendezvous with you from the diner.

He could still see your face when he closes his eyes. Today, you were wearing a light blue satin blouse with white lilies embroidered around its neckline and had matched it with a pair of dark blue jeans. He cannot help but wonder if you would ever remember how you first bought that top.

He still remembers everything about that day.

You had been terribly nervous that morning, since you were about to have an important meeting at work. You had decided to leave the diner in haste with less than five minutes to spare, carrying a takeout coffee with you, and had accidentally spilled them all over your sweater on your way out. There was no time to rush back home to change, and he still remembers clearly the way your eyes grew misty and how he had cupped your face in his hands to stop those tears from falling and ruining your makeup to further ruin your day.

He kept himself calm enough to be able to pull you away from the diner and find a small boutique nearby. You were still too shaken and emotional from having your morning—and your favourite sweater—ruined that he was the one who pulled the blouse from the rack, knowing just what you might have picked. He even stayed with you as you changed, then waited patiently as you fixed your makeup and helped calm yourself down. He didn't care that he was going to be late for work and had walked you all the way to your workplace, making sure that you were doing okay before he kissed you goodbye and finally made his way to his office.

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