XII - 1 Year Ago: Slip Away

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Nothing about it felt real.

For the next few weeks since the night you received the news, everything became a complete blur while you moved and flowed into motion in an autopilot mode.

From packing up your things to leaving the apartment at dawn.

Getting on the ride back home with Hoseok.

Seeing Hana again for the first time after years apart.

And then the funeral.

You had a hard time processing everything even as you were going through all of them. You probably wouldn't have been able to function at all if it wasn't for Hoseok. He was there the whole time, holding you up with his arms around you, as if he wanted to protect you from all the pain.

You couldn't even understand a single thing that people were telling you while you were there.

Not even when Joohyun sat you down and held your hands when she told you every single thing you needed to know about Hana.

She had been sick for a long time. She had found out about it first not too long after she left campus and moved across the country. She had kept it all to herself ever since, deciding to fight against it all on her own, that not even her family knew anything about it until it was far too late.

Everyone had told you the same thing. How Hana had shut herself from everyone, how she had been distant after she moved away. Nobody ever knew what she had been going through because she kept everything a secret. Promising everyone that it would be better for her if she was left alone.

She was fighting her battle on her own until the day that she lost.

Except she didn't look like she had lost. She looked as if she was sleeping as she was lying there, her face looking as peaceful as she would be as is she was simply having a long nap instead of succumbing to her pain.

That is not Hana. She is alright. She is healthy. She is living her best life somewhere across the country the way she had wanted it to be.

You refused to believe that it was her inside the wooden casket even as they lowered it into the ground. You refused to believe it because you had spent years believing that she was happy and that you would one day be friends again. You refused to believe it because that was what her family kept telling you whenever you asked about her each time you reunited with them when you came home to your family for the holidays.

That is not Hana. This is all a lie.

You kept on telling yourself the same thing. Over and over again, begging silently for everything to be nothing else but a dream. A terrible dream. Until you finally snapped and fell into Hoseok's arms after you said your final goodbyes.

Weeks after you returned home to the city, back to the apartment you were sharing with Hoseok, you were nothing but a shell of what you used to be.

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