I - Prologue

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It was a warm morning when Hoseok left his home.

His spirit was high when he first went out to start his day. Yet right this moment, just as he reaches the crowded street with people passing him by, the less joyful he is slowly becoming.

His footsteps are still light as he continues to walk down the sidewalks, but his nerves are all over the place. He fumbles with the strap of his briefcase hanging on his shoulder as he walks by, as he tries to put his attention elsewhere just so he can make it all the way to where he needs to be.

He still has about an hour left before he has to be in his office. With no more time to spare, he makes a quick turn to make a short stop at the diner a block away from his office building. He looks around the moment he enters the room, smiling brightly with relief when he finds the seat that he usually takes completely vacant while you have taken the seat that you have always chosen to sit on for your morning meal.

Without any hesitation, Hoseok slides into the booth, sitting down and facing you while you have your eyes looking out the window beside you.

The morning sunlight streams through the windows, directly illuminating the entire dining room and bringing its warmth within. But Hoseok could not care less about any other part of the room, nor the other crowd bustling around him in that small diner.

He only has his eyes on one thing; you.

The only thing he cares about doing now is to admire you silently, to revel on the beautiful sight before him, admiring how serene you look as you look out the window, as if you are watching closely at the world evolving and moving around you. His chest feels warm as he watches you marvelling the life outside this small diner with eyes full of wonder, and he enjoys absorbing as much sight as he could to keep all of this in his memories. He wants to remember how the sunlight brightens your face, making you glow so bright, so captivating to his eyes that he barely notices anything else around him.

"The usual?" the waitress comes by his table, pulling his attention away from you briefly.

"Yeah, the usual. Thank you," Hoseok give her a quick answer before his eyes return to you again, while you don't even notice the exchange ever happening, still lost in your own world.

He has no problem with it at all, however, for it only gives him more chance of being able to continue watching you, staring at you as much as he could.

His lips curl into a small smile when a smile grows on your face and your eyes sparkle with joy. He has no idea what it is you are currently watching out there, but he always feels glad to see it when you are smiling, even if he is not the one to put it on your face. Your hair falls over to the side of your face and he clenches his fists tightly on the table, resisting the urge to lean forward and tuck the stray strands behind your earlobe to get it out of the way.

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