II.VI. Enigma

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To remain completely calm throughout the rehearsal dinner has proven to be a challenge.

Staying in your seat until the dinner is over takes a lot of effort, but you still manage, even if you aren't completely able to put your heart into it. The wheels in your head wouldn't stop turning, keeping you distracted by causing you to focus on other matters.

Your eyes continue to search for your younger brother, trying to see if he is acting suspiciously while being around your family. You also need to make sure that he wouldn't try to approach Joohyun before you have the chance to talk to her privately. At the same time, you have been keeping your eyes on your best friend, making sure that you would be the first to see it if she ever decides to leave her seat.

You finally find a moment of reprieve when dinner finally ends, and once the guests start splitting up. Some of the older family members are heading back to their lodgings to end the night, while the rest remain to lounge around the open bar for drinks. After making sure that your parents are busy with their guests and your brother is nowhere in sight, you quickly put things in motion.

You noticed that Joohyun had finished two glasses of wine at dinner, something that might come to your advantage, knowing how Joohyun normally acts whenever she gets a bit too tipsy. Knowing exactly what you are intending to do, Hoseok leaves his seat with a wink, giving you a sign as he makes his way to greet Joohyun's husband and pull him away towards the bar where your father is. Now that Joohyun is on her own, you slip to her side and start pulling her back into the house before anyone could stop you.

"Where are we going?" Joohyun asks you while giggling, still feeling playful even as you start dragging her through one of the empty hallways in the house. You continue until you reach your father's office, the only place that is completely out of sight from the guests in the backyard and quiet enough for you to speak in private.

Joohyun stumbles on her heels as you slide into the room. She immediately looks around, obviously confused as to why you dragged her into this place, not noticing when you lock the door behind you. "What are we doing here?" she asks again with a smile that makes you feel guilty for cornering her while she is like this.

"I needed to talk to you in private."

Joohyun turns to your voice and starts snickering. "Oooh, that sounds mysterious. What's up?" she cheerfully asks, before her face turns the moment she sees the expression on your face. "Oh, shit. This sounds serious. What's the matter?" She looks at you, frowning, and suddenly becomes visibly worried when you say nothing.

"Are you in trouble?" she asks again, before her eyes grow comically wide and she gasps, "Are we in trouble?"

Hearing this—and the fact that she's whispering when she asks, as if she is afraid that someone might hear her—makes you laugh, yet your reaction only seems to worry her even more. "What is it? Okay, now you're scaring me."

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