II.IV. Queries

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"What is going on? What does this mean?"

For the rest of the night, you couldn't help questioning about what you have found. The curiosity continued to haunt you even long after you had walked out of your old bedroom, and it stayed with you after you left your childhood home without getting any answer.

Right after you finished looking through the trinkets that had been kept secured together with the card and some questionable old photos, you had placed everything else that you had found in the box just how it was supposed to, making it seem like you had never touched any of the things you had dug into. You only left the bedroom after keeping the card and a couple of photos with you in your purse, choosing the ones that you had found so hard to let go of.

You came down the stairs last night with Hoseok holding your hand, determined to find answers. But the moment you found your family sitting at the dining table, with every single one of them carrying different expressions on their faces after the long day—the exhaustion written on your father's face, the bright and hopeful look on your mother's, the forced smile on your sister's face that she wore to hide her anxiety over her wedding, and the nonplussed look on your brother's face who cared more about grilling the meat than listening to your mother talking about the preparation still needed for the wedding day—you knew that it wouldn't be the right time to question your findings then.

Neither you nor Hoseok brought it up as you joined your family at the dining table, and you kept it all in until you arrived back at the lodging late at night with your findings all secured inside your purse.

"We'll find the right time to ask your parents about it or maybe your brother might know something. I say we sleep it off tonight, clear our minds of it before we go around to try and find answers tomorrow," Hoseok tried to convince you last night, reassuring you that there was really nothing for you to worry about, even if you could tell that he was just as curious as you were when you repeatedly caught him glancing at your purse when he thought you weren't looking.

"Everything is going to be okay," Hoseok whispered to you as he held you close in his arms all night, as if he was afraid that you might slip away or disappear before the morning comes, when he could feel your resounding fear when he touched you.

And you had simply let him, not only because his gentle hold was all that you needed to keep you grounded, but also because his sweet and caring gesture would always be able to calm your nerves. It was something that you had needed, when the icy hold that you felt in your chest kept telling you that everything would never be the same again.

While his words did little to ease your mind at the end, you still welcomed the warmth that he was offering you to give you strength. It was the moment you finally closed your eyes when you realised why you had been so bothered by the words written on the card you found.

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