X - Present: Dreams

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Once the dinner has ended,
and Seokjin left your family's house with his parents, you find yourself sitting in the back porch with Joohyun, sipping on the leftover mimosa from dinner. Your parents had retreated into their bedroom while your sister—after hours of working in the hospital and taking a few glasses of mimosas and red wine after dinner—had passed out in her own bed.

You have been talking about the past, reminiscing the final years you spent living in this town before moving into the big city while catching up with all things that have changed in the past year. Though Joohyun seems to speak carefully a few times each time you try to bring up a few things about school which had skipped your memories, sometimes taking her time to remember some details before filling in on a few blanks for you. As if she has been the one away from all of this instead of you.

"Nothing fun has ever happened in this town," Joohyun sighs, once again comparing things that have been happening around her with your stories from the city. She has been one of your old friends who had chosen to stay behind in this town when everyone else began to chase their dreams and start their new lives elsewhere, including you.

It was purely her choice, add that to the fact that she ended up getting hitched to her high school sweetheart right after graduation and is now with two daughters. One of the reasons why she was so quick to accept your invitation tonight was all because her husband had taken over diaper duties so she could have a night out with you.

Even if that night out means intruding a family dinner and drinking mimosa while listening to crickets singing in the backyard.

"So far, I can tell that the most fun you've had was prom night. I'm almost sorry that I skipped it," you mutter softly, while she suddenly snaps her head toward you so fast that you nearly jump out of your seat.

"You remember prom?" she asks, though she quickly answers her own question with a shake of her head. "I mean—Of course, you would. I even forgot that you weren't there."

She has this far off look in her eyes that concern you. But judging from the way she was holding her drinks, you start to realise why she has been so off all night. "I think you've got too much to drink already," you chuckle as you try to steal her glass away from her, only to have her dodging your hand.

"No! You are not taking this away from me," she says with a pout. "I haven't had any alcohol for months. Months! You would need to drink as much as I do when you have two small daughters."

"Alright, Momma. Whatever you say," you finally pull back with your hands up to surrender. "But yeah, I missed that whole fun during our prom night cause I had to catch up on a last-minute submission to apply for college. I don't miss it, though. I had my own fill of fun through college, thank God."

Joohyun lets out a snort that is very unladylike. "Yeah, you had always had such a big dream of living in the city, of trying to reach for the best things in life—mostly to not follow what your parents had wanted you to do."

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