XIV - Present: A New Beginning

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Hoseok wipes away the mist that had built up on the bathroom mirror
during his hot shower and takes a good look of himself.

Brushing his wet hair aside, he begins shaving his stubbles, brush his teeth, and finishes up by doing the rest of his night routines before going to bed. With a slow exhale of breath, he straightens up his back and finds his resolve before finally stepping out of the bathroom.

He comes to an immediate stop as he enters his bedroom. His new bedroom. It certainly still feels like he is in another dimension, still not used to the new place that he is now living in.

When the specialist from The Eden Initiative told him to eliminate everything that would remind him of you, the one certain thing that he needs to let go first would be his fancy apartment. The whole apartment was built together with you, ever since the day you had chosen it together on the first year you joined Hoseok to live in the city. Every part of it held your touch and it would be impossible for him to take out every little piece and change everything before this night finally arrives.

The facility had given him a few weeks to prepare before he had to go through the procedure, so he used that period of time to find himself a new place. For the sake of his new memory, he had chosen someplace bigger, a medium-sized penthouse which is located a bit closer to his office building. Which would make a lot of sense for him to purchase something so lavish when he had just gotten a promotion at work.

He had bought all new furnitures to fill up his new space, avoiding the soft and bright colours that you would have chosen by picking up every colour in the shades of grey and black with cherry wood accents.

With all the preparation set and done, and all the clearance from the facility having been approved, it is finally happening. Tonight is the night when he is finally letting go.

Hoseok climbs up his new bed, puts on the heart monitor device around his wrist, and finally takes the sleeping pill which had been given on the last day of his consultation with the doctors in the facility. He lies down for a moment, waiting silently for the drugs to start working with his eyes locked on the ceiling. His mind is void of any thoughts, any expectation, just the way he had been trained to do by the health specialists who had been guiding him with all of the preparation needed to be done before this day.

Tomorrow will be a new day.

He had thought that he would crumble and break apart at the very last minute instead of feeling so calm and ready. But it feels like he has been ready. That his heart has been settled to get through this.

All for a new beginning.

All for a new beginning

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