II.III. Memento

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The sight that welcomes you the moment you arrive home nearly has you stumbling on your heels, though it also makes you look up in awe at how much everything has changed

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The sight that welcomes you the moment you arrive home nearly has you stumbling on your heels, though it also makes you look up in awe at how much everything has changed.

The main entrance to the property, which normally seems plain and dull, is now filled with various decorations embellishing the white-painted gate and brick walls with vivid colours. Even the outer walls of your house have been freshly painted so that you can barely recognise your own childhood home as you enter the property. Seeing everything for the first time makes you think of those photos that you have seen online—the fancy bed and breakfast joints from another country, or the classic houses shown on Pinterest that are often being rented as private wedding venues.

It might have been a blessing in disguise for your family to inherit this old farmhouse from your grandparents, after all. The main house itself might not be spacious enough to hold a massive crowd of guests, but the property itself has enough space to put into use for large private events such as this wedding. You now understand the reason why your sister had been so adamant about having her wedding ceremony and reception at home, making good use of the open space at the back of the house instead of renting the expensive wedding venue at the City Hall.

But now, seeing the ruckus happening from the front gate to the main areas of the house, and watching the staff almost knocking over and stepping on the plants in the garden which your mother loves so much, you begin to wonder if it had been the right decision to let your family grant your sister's wish of bringing all this chaos home.

Stepping through the front gate of your home, you barely manage to avoid a collision between you and a couple of uniformed staff who are busy setting up a massive block of flower arrangements to welcome all the incoming guests. A similar scene appears as you reach the front door, where the staff from the wedding organiser keep rushing to and fro—some with different items of decoration in their hands while the others are busy prepping up the area for the family buffet.

You keep walking through the house while holding Hoseok's hand tightly in yours, afraid that you might lose each other in the chaos, until you finally find your mother.

Just as expected, she is the one holding the control. Standing right at the eye of the storm and yelling out instructions to the staff around her isn't so much of a surprising sight to see. If there is anyone in this world that you could trust to handle this challenge well, it would be your mother. And, boy, what a sight it is to witness her being in her element.

Right as you enter the room, your mother turns just in time to see you making your way to her and her eyes instantly light up. "Oh, good. You're both here," she says, looking terribly relieved to see you. After giving you a couple of quick kisses on your cheeks and a warm hug to your boyfriend, your mother squares her shoulders up and returns to her commanding stance, before she does exactly as what you had predicted when she hands you a copy of her checklist. "Now that you're here, I'm going to put you both on duty."

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