Chapter- 9

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It's monday 8:56am in the morning. Jennie is asleep on her bed until she recieves a call.

Jennie POV

I was in a peaceful sleep until my phone started ringing. I held my phone and opened my eyes a bit and saw it was Lisa. Pfft I sighed and answered it. "You're late kitten!"

I could hear her saying that in a calm tone! And wait a min... I saw the time and gasped. Oh no no no! "Yah! Why so late?" I said. She laughed and said "You're the one who's late kim!" "Don't call me that!" I said. "I can't believe miss perfect is late today." "Yah! Stop that I'll be there in 10 mins" "Hey it's okay the professor is abse-" but I had to cut her off and ended the call. I rushed into the bathroom to ready.

I was done and rushed to the door and left the house.

-At the campus-

I reached the campus and checked the time. It was 9:15am, I was about to run but I bumped into somebody and fell. "Oww my leg" I whined in pain. I looked up at the person and it was kai. I sighed and got up and was about to leave but he held my hand and pulled my back and said "Jennie we need to talk" "I told you to stay awa-"

I got cut off by another person who held Kai's hand and said "No she won't and I want you to stay away from her before you would fall on the ground!" It was Lisa obviously. She let go my hand from Kai's grip and dragged me.

I could here the gossips from the students who witnessed it "Lisa did that?" "Omg are they dating?"
I sighed and looked at her who's dragging me and walking fast, I was literally struggling to walk and I stopped at the corridor and said "Lisa! Stop! I can't walk!"

She then turned around and looked at me in shock. "What!? Did he hurt you? Where did you get hurt?" She said. "I fell on the ground because I bumped into him." I said while looking away.

She then noticed my right leg which was bleeding a bit. "Oh my god Jennie! Let's go to the campus clinic c'mon" she said. But I refused by saying "no it's fine, I can manage" she did not listen to me and offered me a piggyback by turning around.

I refused again but she said "don't force me to carry you in other way kim!" She said. I had no choice but to accept her piggyback.

Lisa POV

She hugged my neck and I carried her to the clinic. But unfortunately the nurse was nowhere to be seen. So I had to treat her wound. She sat on the chair and I started treating the wound. She whined a bit and I said "shh it's okay, almost done!" And sticked the bandage. "All done!" I said "thank you" she said in a shy tone. ",Should I give you a ride again?" I asked her.

"No it's fine! I'll take her lisa!" Tzuyu appeared from nowhere! I know she likes me but probably is just jealous now. "Yeah I'll go with her thank you." Jennie said. I shrugged and said okay. The they two left.

Days goes by and me and Jennie moved from enemies to best friends.. but my feelings for her got stronger day by day and we shared sweet moments together. But kai wouldn't stop bothering Jennie.. and tzuyu was going crazy about me. This made me and Jennie feel weird. But things changed when tzuyu asked me out....

- break time,campus basketball ground-

Third person POV

Lisa was practicing her basketball strikes alone and was about to strike another goal until tzuyu came "Hey! what are you doing here alone lisa?" "Why are you here?" Asked lisa. "I was bored and decided to come here but look at the coincidence!" giggled tzuyu. "Okay so?" "C'mon! Don't be so boring!" She said while walking closer to lisa. "It's not a coincidence tzuyu, what do you want?" Asked lisa and tzuyu replied "you" and paused.


~and there's the next one! What do you think lisa will reply? Stay tuned for the next one! I'll be updating the next part tomorrow! Bye bye!! Love y'all! And please give it a vote and a comment if you're liking it! 🥺! ❣️~

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