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I feel a sting like pain in my lip and notice I've absolutely destroyed it, picking at the skin with my teeth. To the point where it's now bleeding.

Sighting I press my hand against it, which only results in it stinging more.

"Great just when it was starting to get better"

I definitely left my favorite lip balm back home and I highly doubt anyone is currently carrying one.

As I focussed on my bleeding lip I didn't notice the other's come back until I saw Loki's shoe's as he sat down in front of me once again.

Looking up I saw Thor who on the contrary of his brother stood tall, very tall. I felt like a child seating in front of him, but silently hoped that at least standing I wouldn't look like a 7 year old in comparison.

One thing I could say for sure is that you could really call him adorable as much when he towered over you and was twice as large in pure muscle, that was more of a through the screen thing.

Happy to see him nonetheless I waved and smiled, although it was probably a weird smile considering my lip wouldn't stop bleeding.

"Hi Thor!"

He turned to look at me naturally smiling and waving back.

"Hi little Lady!"

He turned around before it apparently reached his brain that I new him but he didn't me.

"Wait! Who are you?"

I laughed and whipped away some of the blood licking my lips. Tony noticed the blood and turned to look at Natasha accusingly.

"Why is she bleeding?!"

Worried they might blame Natasha I cover my mouth with a hand.

"Oh no no, I just bit my lip!"

Thor seemed shocked and somehow horrified.

"Why would you bite your own lip?!"

I don't know cuz anxiety?!

What am I supposed to answer? Wait is he taking it literally?

"I meant I was picking at the skin of my lip with my teeth so much it ended up bleeding"

Thor finally seemed to understand and nodded. Has he already forgotten his questions on how I knew him?

Well at least that leaves me with less explaining for now.

When it seems like none of them plan to interrogate me at the moment I take out my phone and look for a fitting playlist as I ask.

"So how long till we reach the helicarrier?"

Tony blinks in confusion but it's Steve who answer, looking must I say adorably confused.

"In about an hour and a half, but how?"

I give him a smile going back to doing my own thing. Hadn't noticed in the movies but Steve's brows move asymmetrically giving him a Sherlock air.

Speaking of Sherlock! I am so definitely meeting strange, preferably after he stops being an asshole.

With my music starting to play, I whistle to the beginning of I ain't worried by OneRepublic, which I find to be most fitting. Tony gives me a look that I can tell means he recognized the song so I just smile back.

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