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"Don't you have stuff to do? I mean other than baby sit me"

Clint gave me what looked like a nasty side eye to which I couldn't help but pout.

"I do, but making sure you don't escape or get injured, is my main duty at the moment!"

Rolling around so that I'm laying on my back with my arms sprawled out as I stare at Tony's fancy ceiling.

"Getting injured from who exactly? Loki's own troupes, if they won't even obey his order they may not be as reliable as he think!"

The look he gave me spoke more than enough words and I decided to just stare off into the ceiling with my mouth sealed tight. Best shut up before I get my ass handed back to me by Hawkeye...

Eventually thought, I do need to speak and ask him a question.

"More or less when is the big fight gonna start? I'd like to put on my headphones if it's soon enough, loud noises...aren't my thing!"

Clint seems to think for a moment whether I should know of this information or not before letting out a sight and saying.

"It'll all start in around 15 minutes..."

Nodding giving him a thankful smile I slip on my headphones and play my music on shuffle. He just walks away and out to be brought back to his senses and to try and shoot Loki!

As expected the action starts soon enough and I try not to jump or react much but staying still is very much imposible considering the commotion happening outside.

Now curled up in a corner hugging a cushion and looking out the window wall at the chaos occuring outside. Sometime along Clint had gone away which I guess was good since I don't exactly enjoy looking this weak around others.

I try as best as I can to more or less situate myself in the time table, try and guess what scenes currently happening but it's very much a nightmare and I am unable to understand what's happening around us until I see Loki appear in the room.


My voice is squeaky and I think the anxiety from all that's happening at the moment is not only catching up to me but also very obvious to those around me.

Loki only looks at me thoughtful and I let myself wonder for a moment if he's actually thinking what he could do to help. No that can't be, why would he? He's most likely thinking of putting me to sleep again so I won't be a bother...

Speaking of!

"Next time just take me here normally, I already knew where your base was there was no need to drug me...I also don't appreciate black holes in my memory, never been a good sign"

I hadn't really ever gotten drunk enough to loose my memory so the only memories my brain had erased and not because of time passing, are those that it found far too overwhelming...

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