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Hoping, no praying that Loki will catch on I continued.

"Loki you know where I fell on right? To me it just all fells like it's stinging and warning up badly. I-I get if you don't trust him to be alone with me, again that's fine, I can tell none of you even trust me that much."

Once again shifting so that my back doesn't press against the couch, I bring back everything I remember from my highschool theater lessons to use once again.

Loki quite obviously doesn't buy it but he hasn't got any reasons to not follow along so he only gives a court nod. Natasha makes no comment but helps Bruce as the man hurriedly searched for said cream with worried comments about whether he should look at the wound himself.

Tony gives him quick instructions to find the ointment and I believe the only reason Clint isn't slightly suspicious like Natasha is because he see's me as a kid.

"Thor could just tag along he's the one most likely to easily subdue Loki! It's really not anything to worry about I'm just hopping to cool it down and dull the stinging sensation."

Thor ever the gentleman doesn't need to be told twice before rushing to help me up, I said a friction burn not a broken leg but thanks babe. Loki knowing it's all an act takes his time standing up and following along but eventually I do manage to get us three to a separate room.

The moment the door closed behind us I straightened back up and dropped the act, grabbing the ointment from Thor with a quick thanks.

"Now, oh so great God of mischief are you gonna show me those torture burns and scars out of your own free will or shall I fight you over it?! I did risk the others not trusting me again just so you could keep your whole ice cold bad guy show."

Loki's mouth curled into a snarl looking over my shoulder at his shocked and confused brother but he did eventually surrender with a sight. Without another word but glaring firmly at his brother to keep his mouth shut Loki turned his back to me and raised the back of his shirt, tunique what even are Asgardian clothes, and with a shiner of green old burns and newer scars appeared on his skin.

I try to keep a straight face and not wince, this had been a blind shot based on the comics and quite honestly I was hoping to be wrong. Seeing real and quite possibly still painful wounds covering his back made me uncomfortable...

I wanted to feel sorry for him, I wanted to avenge him somehow using what I knew of the future but that was just ridiculous considering how powerless I still am. Why did all those girls get cool powers when switching universes but I don't?!

"Can I...or would you rather Thor does it?"

Loki seems to think for a moment but his answers seems confident.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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