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"In that case this anxiety must be destroyed we must chase down that monster and cut out it's head!"

I look at Thor not really knowing what to say and giving a quick look at Loki in hopes of help, the guy only rolled his eyes and ignored me.

"It's a thing in your head, not a monster you need to kill Thor. But thank you I'll call you if I ever need to beat a monster up"

Looking at Steve he seemed hypnotized almost as if analysing all this new knowledge, it almost made me laugh when I saw him silently nodding to himself.

"Anyways that's more or less context of the two main things that affect my way of acting. Of course that was a very weak explanation, there's so many things about how it all works! Either way, because of my high capacity I have this sensitivity I already explained. Everyone has different types and they are called hypersensitivities, this is what will mostly affect all the weird ways a high capacity might act!"

I mentally recount mine and how they where originally explained to me in my teenage years, which is when I was diagnosed.

"Only four apply to me. Motor hypersensitivity, with more or less means I find it hard to stay still. Emotional hypersensitivity, if you want to put it crudely I'm a people pleaser that feels everything far too much. Creative hypersensitivity, please don't be surprised to find me staring off into space I might have created a whole movie saga in my own brain. And lastly sensory hypersensitivity, this one can be divided into each sense but the ones to affect me most are sound and touch."

Looking back at everyone I saw that Thor was now sitting crossed legged on the ground not too far from me. I have to hold back my awe, I swear the way he acts will be the death of me especially with how much it clashes with his looks.

"Sound meaning loud and unexpected sounds make me nervous and I find it extremely hard to concentrate on one thing when there many different sounds around. Touch usually means one of two things either the person absolutely hates physical contact or they crave it, I personally crave it but when expecting it or when trust is built."

I finally grow quiet, maybe I explained a bit too much just to say my music calms me and helps me focus. But hey at least now if they ever get mad or annoyed at how I act I can always say I warned them!

Yeah I definitely spoke far to much and here I am again scratching at my poor neck, glad I cut my nails recently.

Steve is first to speak probably noticing I've gone back to staring at the ground. My previous confidence is now absolutely gone, vanished.

"Well, that was enlightening, I do hope to remember and not cause you any trouble accidentally. Either way I apologize for the foreseeable future"

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