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"My name's Ash"

Tony's smirk when hearing my name told me my nickname was about to change and not to something I'd appreciate.

"Oh so Pokemon then? Well nice to meet you Pikachu"

Really? I guess it could've been worse, but Pikachu really?!

"Can't we just stick to Granger ? Also can I take a nap somewhere near Loki's cell and get called for his interrogation with Natasha?"

I was probably asking for far too much and was about to be sent into my own cell. But, instead of the yelling I expected, I got a curious and confused glance followed by a silent chat between Thor and Tony before Tony shrugged.

"Sure? They'll be able to keep an eye on you if you're just sleeping! On to the interrogation part I'll imagine something important is about to happen, we should be able to let you overlook it. Anything else Granger? "

He listened! I gave them both a big smile and denied with my head.

"Not anything I need to change for now but it is a scene I quite like and I really want to see it all happen. "

Tony smirked nodding and asked Thor to bring me somewhere comfy quickly explained he had stuff to work on and deal with.

Thor further proved his upbringing by guiding me along the corridors politely even going as far as offering me his arm, of course always keeping his happy outgoing personality, I'll admit it all got me quite flustered and embarrassed.

It felt weird to have him act so regal and medieval like politeness but also speak to me freely and excitedly asking me all types of questions. They ranged from whether I knew how long I'd be staying to if him and Jane eventually got married passing through whether or not we had pop tarts in my world.

Finally we entered a large room with a few couches and a large window showing the room Loki's cell was, said prince now glaring at his captors as they pushed him in.

The room was empty a whole table full of weird buttons and computers I guessed the glass was only see through this way since Loki did not care for our pretense, nor did he seem to hear us.

"I honestly have no idea which restrictions apply to you little lady so just do as you please, I am required to join the avengers though, so if you need anything as one of those guys! They're nice when you manage to get them out of their I'm working mindset. "

Laughing at Thor's antiques I nod and he walks out waving at me.

I'm once again alone, in an unknown room without anything to do and knowing for a fact I won't be able to nap as I said I would.

The moment of peace and quiet is something I am grateful for though. This said, leaving me alone with my thoughts after all this, was NOT a good idea!

Turning my music up I decide to find a way to entertain my self even if it means getting in trouble.

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