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Loki raised a brow before looking down at my clothing and smirking and his brother pacing about proudly like I weighed no more than a feather.

"I'll admit to having her under a silencing spell but not one to put her to sleep! She'll wake up when she feels well rested just as she fell asleep trusting I wouldn't cause her any damage. As for the clothing you know better than to accuse me of such things..."

Loki scoffed insulted by his brothers words and throwing a venomous glare his way.

"First off because of the disrespect in implies and because of the meaning dressing in ones symbols has in our culture, I am by no means in a courtship with this mortal nor is she a belonging of mine. Therefore this is all her doing, most likely oblivious to our cultures but I am curious where she got this from and why she'd even wish to wear it... something else to question her on I guess"

And with that everything resumed as planed in the films except for a few small details. These being my curled up sleeping body in Loki's arms, which did not seem to stop or increase the difficulty of any action, and the lack of deadly wounds on Coulson.

Apparently Loki decided to drag along my sleeping body, which couldn't have been that hard considering how much I clinged to him.

The spell stayed on even once we where in his base although he did struggle to lay me down on the couch since I kept whining and holding on tighter to his neckline. He made sure the spell would slowly disappear once I woke up which is why I am now staring at my surroundings in confusion watching mouths move but no sound reaching me.

Finally I can start to hear the sounds around me and I'm thankful they weren't brought back suddenly.

Looking around I notice Loki speaking with Doctor Selvig and still half asleep I wobble myself over to them. Thankfully I do remember this is real before attempting to hug Loki's torso from behind, still want to do it just don't want to get yeeted into a wall in real life!

Instead I just move to stand next to Loki with a small sleepy smile, I should probably scared considering the amount of people that could kill me just in this room and the fact that I technically was kidnapped, I'm just happy to be with my favorite character happy he's real and I get to see his every move.


I stuff my hands into the large pocket of my hoodie and give them both a larger smile with the hood still on.

Loki stays still for a moment giving me a look I can't seem to recognize, it's soft though almost affectionate like someone just did something adorable or incredibly innocent in front of you. He recovers quickly though and stairs at me with that forever calculating stare.

"Good you're finally awake!"

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