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"Well darling~"

His movement are smooth and fluid almost like a snake and I can't help but marvel at how he can continue looking like that after all he's gone through.

Wait I'm darling?!

I feel my cheeks heat up and I just KNOW that my ears are already red. He's saying it to creep me out, to make me uncomfortable and scare me, not because he means it but good God I'm not used to being called nicknames!

Probably because I'm usually cringed out by them or just straight up don't like them but this is Loki, with Loki's looks and voice and accent calling me darling. And yes I do know he's mocking me but couldn't he just never learn my name and invent new nicknames for me until the end of times?

"It seems you're more important than I initially thought! What is it that's so special about you, that has tin man agreeing to go away, on your call? Is it information? You certainly hold important information, that much I've gathered...but what else is it?"

He was right in front of me now, and because of my seat I am now as tall as him, but his hands are rested on both sides of me, again to make me feel small and threatened trapped by him.

Honestly I'm just trying to remember all I said I'd do if I ever met him, but those used to be only hypothesis now I'm actually just trying to breath normally and hopping I don't look like a tomato.

Loki's smile dropped like a mask in mere seconds and honestly I wanted the creepy smirk back on, serious Loki had shivers running down my spine but not from fear like he wished. I hadn't noticed but one of his hands had moved up and was now pulling down my headphones, I notice just how big his hand is compared to mine while he's at it, he could almost cover my face with his hand!

"Are you gonna speak now or am I gonna have claw the answer out of that sweet mind of yours?"

I've got a sweet mind? More a weirdly crazy mind that does not seem to understand the meaning of rest.

"When things calm down...I'll tell you everything and anything you may want to know Loki. Within limits of course! I won't get out of this room until things calm down if that serves as reassurance."

Loki seemed wary and moved the scepter up closer almost close enough to touch my chest. My eyes immediately go wide as I fear he'll take over my mind, learn what I know and thus send the information back to Thanos, maybe all of this wasn't such a good idea I could likely die...

"Please don't! I-I'll tell you, you said you could hear lies, did I lie? Did I lie when I promised to tell you everything?"

Loki frowned upon me it made me feel weird, not scared but weird as in embarrassed and guilty I couldn't say anymore and yet if this didn't manage to convince him, I was done... nothing would go with the plan!

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