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"This is the basest sentimentality, this is a child of prayer, pathetic! You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers, you pretend to be separate to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors...but they are part of you and they will never go away. "

Can't help but wince, I know exactly what's to come but that's doesn't mean I'm actually prepared for the yelling.

"I won't touch Barton until I make him kill you slowly intimately in every way he knows you fear"

I scrunch my nose, he's suffering and being controlled, I try and remind myself. His words are horrible either way and although Natasha is faking her reaction to such rough words I'm not.

"And then he'll wake just long enough to see his good work and when he screams out I'll split his skull. This is my bargain you mewling quim! "

I might've see this movie for a thousand times and felt pretty confident walking in here, telling myself it wouldn't be that bad since he wouldn't be yelling at me plus I already know what he'd say and blablabla.

Buts it's defined not the same thing through a screen and in person, my heart almost jumped out of my throat just then, when he hit the glass and I was expecting that!

"You're a monster"

Um no ma'am I'm sorry but I do not approve, and asshole yes, idiot very much, jerk we all agree but he is NOT a monster.

The words did seem to bring back the real Loki under control and he did his best to give them a clew.

"Oh no, you've brought the monster!"

Natasha straightened up and turned around from where she was now standing.

"So Banner, that's your play."

Genius you understood just what he wanted you to understand. Loki's eyes where now switching between colors, green and blue fighting for dominance.


Natasha ignored him and walked away informing the others through the com.

"Loki means to unleash the hulk, keep banner in the lab, I'm on my way, send Thor as well. Thank you for your cooperation! "

She continued walking and turned to give me a look when she noticed I wasn't following, with my back now against the glass and trying to calm my raging heart I waved her away.

"I should probably stay here, won't be of any help in the lab, but please try and rid of the scepter as soon as posible."

To my word she nodded and walked out, Loki's full attention was now on me and I'd had the marvelous idea to lean against the glass, so my back was to him and I felt uncomfortably observed.

There was a moment of silence before I finally felt calm enough and turned my head to look at Loki.

"For the record, I under no circumstances believe you're a monster"

Why did I think saying that was a good idea? Yeah I might mean it but I knew for a fact he was not in any state to even hear that or actually anything remotely related to it!

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