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I manage to give him a tight lipped smile before readjusting my headphones and increasing the volume to try and disconnect.

It really did feel extremely vulnerable to have people know so much about me, even though I wish they'll use it for my benefit... I guess that's probably how they'll all feel when I explain exactly how much I know about them!

In the meantime I raise my knees to my chest, wrap my arms around them, laying my forehead on my knees.

Adrenaline must have stopped pumping for long enough now because I'm honestly feeling exhausted. And no matter how much I try to stay awake my body doesn't seem to agree.

Sleep takes over my body and I'm honestly confused as to whether this will just turn out to be a dream and I'll wake up asleep in bed with my book open on my chest or if by any chance all of this is real.

My sleeping position had been all but confortable for the action, meaning the moment we landed on what I guess to be the helicarrier I almost jumped up in suprise.

Standing up I lower the volume once again, but don't take off my headphones, knowing this is all far too new. Still half asleep I follow after the first person I see, yawning as I try to understand everything around me once again.

They've all apparently stopped in some sort of a semicircle, most likely listening to someone in front of them. I manage to stop just before bumping into the person I was following.

Of course that doesn't mean I don't anxiously apologize which gets the person to turn and look at me for the first time.

Finding myself face to face with the cuffed male I easily easily recognize, well more like face to chest, I remind myself to keep breathing.

Of course I had to bump into Loki and of course he had to make me look this damn short in front of me.

I want to hug him, see if he feels warm or cold because of his origins. Memorize exactly how he smells and sing praise to him, how I can't even process how amazing powerful and glorious he is and how anyone who claims otherwise is simply dumb.

Now's probably not a good time for that though, considering the whole mind control thing.

So I force myself to shut my mouth and stop my rambling looking away in pure embarrassment. He was not supposed to look this good in real life!

The guy is supposed to have recently tortured and looks this good? I don't think I'll survive his 100%

His hair is the only thing ticking me off everything else is just perfect, godlike. I have yet to actually hear his voice or even have it address to me, that might be the end of my career.

Let's be honest it would most likely be an insult but does that mean it would affect me any less? Nope.

What I do know would have me six feet beneath is a compliment from that man, thankfully it's not like I'll ever hear that.

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