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Loki stared up at me confused for a moment, he looked at me like I was either mad for being nice to him or planning something, he looking away and setting back up his court mask.

"Tea will be just fine...thank you"

I gave him the biggest smile and gave him the cup of tea.

Sitting down next to him I can help but smile like a small child until I remember that I forgot to answer Tony with anything other than an eye roll.

"He gets special treatment cuz he's my favorite and he deserves it!"

I take a larg sip of my hot chocolate or at least attempt to, but I'm too focused making sure my headphones don't dip into my drink as they hang around my neck and don't notice the clear signs... smoking vapour coming out of my cup like it's a witches potion for example.

So of course the moment the burning liquid touches my tongue I let out an embarrassingly loud yelp and start cussing out nonsense with my tongue out doing that panting waving thing we all do like it helps with burns. When the pain subsides I whine defeated looking back at my drink pondering if it's worth trying to drink again even though I most likely just burnt off half my taste buds.

Next thing I know I see a hand offering me back my mug which I'd hurriedly left on the small table dangerously close to the edge. It was Loki and went I took back my beverage I notice immediately it was no longer fuming, he'd cooled it down to the perfect temperature...

I'll be completely honest I felt like crying, everything has been amazing up until now but it's still all new and I'm proud of how I've yet to break down, but all Loki has done is fix small things. He hasn't tried to make yet another big change he's just allowed me small details helped with little things that would make it all better, the sleeping, the headphones, tripping Thor, lowering his voice and this were just examples.

"He's iconic both as a fictional characters and as a real man, not to mention he's a gentleman if I know any. So yes he gets and will continue to get special treatment from me!"

Honestly I am very touched by every one of those little changes because he just escaped mind control he just got beaten up by hulk and yet he takes the time to cool down my drink. Might be cuz I'd just said he was my favorite.

"But honestly just like all of you currently. How I speak and act around you is NOT how I normally am! It's like we just skipped the awkward phase but not the overthinking one cuz I know you all, not personally but you get it. And yet none of you actually know much about me other than my name and we're I come from."

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