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Soon enough the large heavy metal doors, leading to the room Loki's cell was in, opened letting both me and Natasha in.

I opted for staying as a side character and just walk around exploring the place. Of course, I lean over the railing to try and see just how high we where and feel my knees almost buckle as I quickly step away.

Giving Loki's cell a quick glance to check my eyes widen. The floor in it is also glass, god I would've been curled up crying in a corner, had I been him!

"There's not many people who can sneak up on me"

Loki was first to speak turning to look at both of us, although he kept most of his attention on Natasha, probably since she was the only actual threat.

My headphones hanging on my neck I give him a quick smile before continuing to do my own thing so that nothing in their original conversation would change.

"But you'd figured I'd come"

Natasha answer came and I watched from farther away as Loki paced in a creepy predatory way.

"After whatever tortures Fury can concoct, you would appear as a friend, as a bomb and I would cooperate. "


Like you'd ever make shit easy on your own will! I try and keep my appearance as emotionless as posible and decide to sit down closer to Loki's cell, crisscross on the ground, leaving the chair free for Natasha.

"I want to know what you've done to agent Barton"

You do but that's not why you're here!

I'm sort of kind of glad that Loki being able to read minds has yet to be proved cannon or else I would've already fucked up the timeline in a thousand different ways.

"I'd say I've expanded his mind"

I'd say that sentence excels at making you sound like even more of a psycho.

Natasha ignores it though just as she's ignored me walking pass to sit where I now was. Loki on the other hand kept giving me curious looks some of confusion others seemed more of amusement. He seemed to be waiting for me to join in on the conversation, but I wouldn't at least not for now.

"Once you've won, once you're king of the mountain, what happens to his mind?"

He would probably be freed but also locked somewhere or kept under strong surveillance, I don't believe Loki would keep on controlling humans if he'd actually won and gotten back some of his own freedom.

"Is this love agent Romanoff?"

I can't help but let out a weird sound trying not to laugh. He should know best than anyone of Clint's family and might as well soon guess about Natasha's crush on Bruce.

"Love is for children I owe him a dept"

I mean sure, but he's also your best friend, ain't he?

"Tell me"

Of course you'd like to know you gossip feeding snitch!

Natasha went to sit on the chair giving me a side eye that clearly meant she now knew I'd known about this part to the very detail of where she'd sit.

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