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"I never want you to learn my name."

My face was deadpan serious.

"From now that is who I am. I even upgraded from mortal to little Lady, I'm keeping whatever I can get, it's cute and fancy. I love it!"

Why does my mimd always spit the first crap that manages to pass through my two working neurons out of my mouth?! No seriously, why?

Does it have anything to do with my past life? Am I getting punished for something I did to Loki's past réincarnation? So now I'm forced to be brutally unfiltered at all times when it comes to him.

Or maybe it's punishment for past possibly present, though I shan't confess, obsession with him? Yeah that seems more likely.

Meanwhile outside of my little amazing inner monologues Steve's jaw is just hanging for flies to get right in and I'm pretty sure Nat just snorted. Thor is just adorably clueless as always, must take work to perfect such a skill, and Tony could simply not raise his brow any higher without defeating anatomical restrictions.

"The guy is your favorite but he doesn't even know your name Granger?!"

I'm just pouting now cuz Tony is definitely gonna force me to tell Loki my name and that means he might stop with the nicknames so I try to deflect.

"You don't even use it so what's the problem with him not knowing it?!"

Of course that earns me the look from Steve, like I'm his child that needs to earns how to talk to adults.

"And so what? I like nicknames and I like being called a little Lady my name isn't that special, nicknames are more special! I'm named like a Pokémon master from Kanto and like what you get when you burn wood for long enough, so what if my name is Ash. I much rather seeing  people attempt to figure out new nicknames for me"

Of course frustration gets the best of me and just my luck, Loki is no idiot and picks up on everything.

"So your actual name is Ash."

It isn't a question. Of course it isn't, that's Loki the God!

Somebody tell me we're did this guy learn to speak and whether it's a part of the prince God training to manage to make words have a taste and feeling of their own. I mean he's probably using magic at this point!

And why does he speak that slow now, is it to make me suffer? If so let me just tell you he's succeeding.

A smooth chuckle snaps me out of my thoughts, I know it's fake and practiced another one of his court weapons most likely but that doesn't stop me from shivering a bit more and I might stop breathing.

This is not okay Sir, this is called bullying, even though I'm enjoying it!

"Don't worry I believe little Lady fits you much better than Ash..."

I feel like there's a catch to it.

"Your name is more fit for a warrior rather than a harmless pup dressed as a big wolf to try and impress. So I shall stick to little Lady it fits you best"

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