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So as expected he is now aggressively yelling at me because it's easier to believe he's a monster, act like it rather than to admitting someone might not think like Odin or like he himself does.

And of course me being me tears are stinging my eyes and unceremoniously falling!

So now I have hiccups every few seconds from my irregular breathing and am crying just because there's someone yelling at me, it's even worst since he's towering over me at the moment.

Of course he takes it as me being afraid cuz why not make this all worse?!

"See you fear me! Why is that if I'm not a monster you know deep down you should fear? WHY?!"

I was back to curling up, looking at the ground angrier at myself than him. Why did I have to be so weak he's just yelling and standing a lot taller, I'm overreacting like I always fucking do!

"You're not! I-"

Pressing my hands against my ears I steady my breath and continue.

"You're yelling at me!!! And it's-"

Apparently that got him to realize and shut up. I let out a sight of relief my hands dropping, I'd originally wanted to say it's too much.

And it was, today had been endless I no longer knew where I stood my safe pase quite literally burst away and adding to that my current lack of sleep everything seemed to make me tick.

"It's too loud..."

Of course once there was silence my tears soon stopped and my breathing evened out, I didn't dare look up though.

Embarrassment filled me, I didn't personally know him just as he didn't me, but I did spend quite a long time obsessing over him and thus cared for his opinion.

"Apologies little Lady, you warned us of your sensibility"

My head immediately snapped up to look at him, he'd been listening to my explanation...and he did seem actúa sorry to have used that against me even if accidentally

Turning to lay my back against the glass, can't trust myself to look directly at him and not blush. He was my favorite but, at least for now, he couldn't know.

"You know you keep proving my point, right?"

He scoffed most likely looking very insulted by my words.

"What just because I apologized? That's simple politeness, I had no intention of using your weakness against you in that moment, which doesn't mean I won't use it when convenient "

I laughed no matter how hard he tried the way he said those words told me not even he believed it. Loki might do horrible things when forced to but I can bet my hand he's suffered from similar thing as I have, might not have named it anxiety but it definitely was.

The way he made sure to keep the tone of his voice fairly stable got a smile out of me, I knew how into dramatics he was and yet here he was stopping himself for my sake.

"Of course you will... Just like you felt the need to trip your brother before he reached me?"

He stayed quiet for a little while and I hear him walking around.

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