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Loki scoffed crossing his arms and flicking his wrists with magic. The blanket around me wrapped tightly immobilizing me effectively and stopping me from cleaning anymore.

"Don't worry I've already gathered that much, no matter how confusing or illogical I may find it! So Little Lady. You somehow keep insisting that the turns the fates had planned were specially unfair to me and the others but my question is why you insist on changing my tale specifically. There's two options you see, darling you're either completely mad or somehow my fate was so horrible that it deserved your pity and effort to evade it, so which will it be?"

I should be afraid or at least annoyed at how he'd turned my new comfort item into a trap for me but really the feeling was quite similar to a big tight hug and the movements were never abrupt. Or even sudden enough to scare me.

Maybe if he wasn't always ever so careful to respect my every boundaries or even take care in case there was one he'd yet to learn about. Maybe then I'd be mildly scared!

"I consider your story crushing and unfair, you were cut off at every opportunity to do better. If you so much as showed a sign of changing for the best something bad happened that brought you ten steps back. No one deserves that and I strongly believe that it specially shouldn't have been done to you!"

Waddling like a penguin in my blanket prison I give him a smile as I waddle past heading back to the living room.

Of course I barely get to step inside that I am attacked with questions about were I was and why I was even alone with him. Clearly there was still a lot of room for improvement on the subject of trusting Loki or me for that matter considering Steve's worry comment...

"Please refrain from disappearing like that again, you hold a lot of valuable information and it's not that we don't trust you and think you'd escape with the recently captured megalomaniac space prince god of mischief..."

Oh it define is just that! And honestly it's not quite far from what I've sometimes imagined doing so I can't really feel that offended if they got me right.

"But we still don't know if he might attempt to kidnap you or something."

Giving him an awkward smile I sit a bit farther from Loki, letting Thor take my old spot besides him, hopping that make Steve feel more at ease with my promise of not betraying any of them.

"Could I maybe get some burns cream? And just someone to help me properly put it on, I fell quite harshly on my back and I'm worried it got as bad as a friction burn..."

I shift in my seat rubbing the back of my neck and moving to make act convincing. No I did not get any real wounds throughout the fight, at least not bad ones but if the comics are correct Loki will need that cream.

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