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I keep forgetting he's not from here for a reason.

"Means surprising and amazing, in this context. The word itself can mean different things!"

He looked at me with what looked like an attempt at an honest smile, looking thankful I was willing to explain it all to him.

You know how I used to obsess over Loki, the fictional character, over how deadly his voice was and how sweet and adorable he'd sometimes look...it dangerous, A LOT MORE DANGEROUS, when the guy's real!

Because I'm no longer thinking how can he even get this cute I'm thinking I could actually touch him right now. And that's dangerous cuz my touch could range from squinching his face to attempting to suffocate him in a hug... amongst other i won't speak of

Also the world around me seems to go on moving as I go through these deep and necessary inner monologues. Which I guess makes sense but is quite bothersome!

Like right now i can clearly see and hear Loki speaking to hypnotized Clint Barton and I'm actually quite curious about what they're talking about, but that's it I know they're talking because of the incoherent voices reaching me and watching their mouths move. And yet because of how much is currently going on inside my head I've fully turned off this important option called understanding English.

Soon enough though I was forced to turn it back on when Clint came closer and tapped my shoulder to catch my attention which did slightly make me tense up but nothing too bad just surprised.

"We're moving. Taking you to the Stark tower as requested!"

It was weird to hear him speak, specially so emotionlessly, but truly it was weird to hear any character I deemed fictional speak in real life.

Nodding I don't try and start a conversation with mind controled Clint and only follow after him into some sort of weird black car. This whole thing is reminding me of stranger danger again but oh well!

Shrugging I get into the car...and that's all I remembered anything after is just black and void.

When I woke back up i was in the avengers tower so it's not like I could complain. The whole thing was probably done so that I wouldn't know the location of their base, pity i already do!

Now don't miss understand me! I am mad as hell, the only times I've had a blank spot in my memories it was caused by trauma and my brain erasing everything to protect me... so to knock me out and move me around like it's nothing, bothers me to say the least.

Looking around I notice I'm in the main living room with the bar and everything else that appears in the movie, but I also notice from my spot on the couch that Clint is still in the room leaning against the wall opposite to me.

Moving a hand to the back of my neck awkwardly I notice Loki had let me keep my headphones, that's nice!

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