Cahpter seven

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It get's better by the tenth chapter, promise.


I barely noticed the ice cold wind slapping against my exposed thighs and stomach. I was busy watching Dion's huge black wings go up and down. Up and down. Then he would hold them in place as we turned a corner, we were gliding. A shiver of both coldness and fear racked my frame. He looked down at me and told me we were almost to the house.

I honestly expected Dalia's house but apparently not. Forcing my gaze away from his beautiful wings I looked around and below me I saw what looked like a really huge front yard. The castle-slash-mansion was more impressive. It was an old Victorian mansion made of stone, bricks, and other brown-red stuff. This one wasn't as feminine as other Victorian homes which is why it reminded me of a castle. Ever so slowly and gracefully he landed but didn't put me down.

He walked up the porch and inside. In inside was as beautiful and elegant as the outside. He continued walking and I was in too much of a daze to tell him to put me down. He walked into this hotel like living room. The place was really beautiful. The walls were an off-white almost cream. The room was in the shape of a squished semi-circle. Polished and shiny dark wood covered the floor. In the middle of the room was a rectangular ebony wood table with glass under the table was a tan rug. On either side of the table was tan couches with ebony throw pillows. A couple black and white photographs lined the wall now and again. The place looked real regal and beautiful. Though I felt this room was only for show because it was far to clean and... it's feminine touch was way noticeable. Either girls lived here and weren't home or the large amount of boys sitting on the couches and standing were in the wrong house.

I stiffened at the sight of all the boys suddenly realizing I had no pants on. I was really happy I had fully shaved my legs this morning. As Dion finally put me down all talking stopped and everyone turned to look at me. I froze completely lost as to what to do. Finally when I saw a boy look me up and down smiling I went into action. I pulled Dion in front of me and I stood behind him.

He looked over his shoulder at me confused. “Suddenly shy?”

I hit him over the head. “Not only did you kidnap me from my friends bed but you brought me to a house full of guys and didn't let me or even grab me any bottoms! Are you stupid? If I get killed I'm coming back to haunt your ass!” He chuckled.

My so called brother stepped around Dion and stared at me. When he realized I really didn't have any pants he smacked Dion on the head. “She's right. You should have let her grab pants.” He said menacingly. Dion just waved his hand in dismissible. He tried to move away but I grabbed him making him stay in place. When I looked back at CT he had a pair of basketball shorts in his hand. He held them out to me. I grabbed them gratefully. They were pretty loose but at least they didn't fall, still I was going to to keep checking them. I pushed Dion away with a 'humph'.

He smirked. I turned my face away from him. “So why am I here?” Then I remembered how I got there. “Why does Dion have wings? And uh....” I waved my hand around. “Whatever other damsel in distress question I should ask.”

“I realized that. You're not a very good damsel in distress.” Dion murmured in my ear. I ignored him.

CT chuckled. “Sit down?” He said gesturing with his hand for me to sit on a couch which quickly became empty. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously but sat down anyway. He sat down across from me and starred at me.

Dion left and came back still CT didn't talk. “Okay are you going to talk or what?” I said raising my voice. I was never a patient person.

CT cracked a smile. “You aren't patient.” Said an older boy sitting next to CT. On the other side of CT sat Dion.

“You think? Now can you get to the point before I start playing stupid damsel in distress? I really don't feel like running away and tripping.”

Some of the boys smiled but that was about it. “Remember I said your older brother was on his way?” Dion asked. “Well you left before you could meet him.”

I looked towards the boy next to CT. “Wait don't tell me your names.... Zeus? Apollo? Ares? Poseidon? Hades? That was his name right?” I said naming a few Greek gods off the top of my head. Then another name entered. I giggled. “Please tell me your names not Uranus.”

The boys laughed. “No that's not my name.”

“Whoosh!” I said pretending to whip sweat of my forehead. “I would have felt so bad because I would have laughed in your face.” I said truthfully and started laughing lightly.

“My name is Metis”

I scrunched my eyebrows together. “Metis? Metis? Metis? Isn't that a goddess name. Emphases one the whole goddess.” I said remembering reading something about a Metis.

I heard a couple soft chuckles. He coughed and looked away embarrassed. “Yes.”

I nodded my head. “Mother of Athena. Titan of good counsel, advise, planning, cunning, and wisdom.” Everyone looked at me. I shrugged. “I'm into mythology. Don't bite my head off.”

“Yes. Just call me Mat or MT.”

“You know.. I'm suddenly feeling a lot better about being named Psyche. Except for the fact that she's stupid.”

“How is she stupid?” Dion asked hard.

I shrugged. “For one who the hell gets married with out knowing what their spouse looks like? Who doesn't question everything that's happened to her? Who doesn't go against her family and run away? Come on I wouldn't let anyone leave me in the woods to be killed or eaten. And who let's her sisters talk her into breaking her husbands request when you know the consequences? I mean sure she's got a couple good qualities but still.”

“Good qualities like loyalty.” Dion started before I cut him off.

“Loyalty? She did exactly what her husband told her not to.”

“She put up with the cupid guys mother even though all the task were hard and dangerous.” I nodded my head. I agreed with that one but still...

“She's stubborn and stupid. She could have died at any moment. Still I have to agree. Girl's persistent.”

“Off topic.” Mat said suddenly. I looked at him. “We have a lot to talk about and if you want to get by day break we shouldn't delay.” I nodded my head.

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