-The Questions-

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| February 5th 2023 |


"Yes, I would marry you"

You groaned, hearing the noise of your alarm clock as you slowly opened your eyes. Your head felt squished, largely because there was something on top of it.

Jenna was sleeping on top of you, snoring quietly, a mess of limbs in odd positions. She wasn't normally the best sleeper, claiming 80% of any bed the two of you slept on.

You were currently staying at an incredibly expensive hotel, having landed in New York a couple of hours ago. You would of spent the whole day sleeping, if not for Jack signing the band up for an interview early in the morning.

Jack, in an effort to feel like a celebrity, which none of the band really did, binged watched a ton of interviews. As such he knew which ones to accept and which ones to reject. So when he announced that the group would do a Vanity Fair lie detector test interview, you knew it was legit.

Plus, those interviews normally got pretty good views, and it was taking massive advantage on the fact that some of the songs from your newly released EP had actually made it to the charts.

The most popular song from your EP and the title track had earned a total of 40 million plays on Spotify, it was insane to the rest of the band just how quickly you had blown up, after spending ages trying and failing to release music.

Jenna had moved oddly during your inward monologue, snoring right up to your ear, with her mouth closed this time. More of her hair was in your face than hers, so you gently tried to push it over her ear.

You laid with Jenna for a moment as you realised it would by physically impossible to move her without her waking up. You subconsciously began to stroke her cheek.

Jenna's eyes slowly drew open, looking at you in confusion for a moment, before she smiled at you. Jenna looked at the clock before wrapping her legs around your waist, arms around your shoulders and her face buried in your chest.

"Jenna..." You mumbled. "I have like 15 minutes to get ready..."

"Don't care" Jenna mumbled back, her voice muffled.

"I'm gonna have to carry you to the bathroom if you don't move" You said, as she raised an eyebrow.

"Do it, you wont" Jenna taunted.

You effortlessly stood up, while her grip strengthened, but all it did was make it so she didn't fall off of you as you carried her to the bathroom and sat her down on the tiles.

Also she was naked, both of you were, the two of you went for another round after you got off the plane, it surprised you both how alive you could make each other feel. You also took something off the bucket list.

The cold tiles made Jenna's grip relax slightly due to the shock as you got out your toothbrush. You were going to be spending a few days in New York, as you had the lie detector interview in the morning, Jimmy Fallon that evening, followed by performing for Spotify the next day.

It was taxing, that was for sure, but to be honest, you really enjoyed it, you also enjoyed all the fans, you even got fan art sent to you on social media, feeling like a real celebrity.

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