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Vincenzo was working in his office when he heard the front door open and the sound of feet running up the stairs, he knew it was Harley.

After about an hour he heard her feet again. Deciding to let her know he was back he left his office to go find her.

He walked into the kitchen and saw her making a snack he figured to be for her and Leo. Watching her every move she set a small bowl with fruit to the side he suspected for Leo and she had a regular size bowl for herself.

She was wearing a oversized long sleeve and he could see the slightest bit of her shorts when she reached to close the cabinet.

His eyes traveled all over her body, remembering every inch of her. She looked so small and cute in the shirt he'd wished he could see how she'd look in his.

"Jesus she's only just started and I'm already like this." He groaned to himself.

Before he could stare any longer she turned around complete unaware that Vincenzo was even home. She yelped and jumped on the counter clenching her chest when she realized who it was.

He chuckled seeing her getting so high up in a short amount of time.

"Why would you do that?" She yelled at him.

He raised his eyebrow. "What?"

"Scare the life out of me, when did you even get home?"

"I'm sorry, I arrived while you guys were sleeping, you were gone when I woke up."

She nodded her head as he walked up to her and took a grape from her bowl.

"Hey!" She pouted.

He smirked looking her up and down.

He inched between her legs and touched the end of her shirt rubbing the fabric before he could stop himself.

"Boyfriends?" He asked not sure that he really wanted the answer.

She drew in a breath, him being to close made her nervous.

"No." she whispered.

"Good." He stated removing himself from in-between her. She smelled so heavenly and hearing how nervous he made her by the slightest movements. Just standing in-between her thick thighs made him wanna take her right then and there.

With that he glanced at her once more before he took another grape and walked away.

She sat there stunned by the events. She touched the spot he held and let her thoughts consume her.

"What did he mean by 'good'." She thought before she got off the counter and returned to her room to finish some work before Leo got back from school.

She had about 20 minutes.

On her way to her room she saw Mateo by the front door.

"Mateo did I do something wrong?"

"Never in a million years." He stated softly.

Little Leo Where stories live. Discover now