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A/N: Getting very close the end of the book 😭

One month later


"Yeah she's here Boss." Harley said looking at the woman thats been coming here for the past few days.

"You know what to do. Patch into Antoni's channel." Morgan said getting his team ready.

"Will do Boss, I'll see you when it's all done!" She said before switching over and heading outside.

Just outside the door she checked in with Antoni letting him know she's on the move and to get ready.

Before she reached her Jeep Wrangler the girl approached her.

"I'm sorry to bother you but I need your help." She pleaded.

"Is that why you've been following me?" Harley questioned.

With a quick nod the girl looked around before continuing. "Please she will kill me, you were Vincenzo's girl right?"

Harley looked at her with an intensity she's never experienced before. "Don't you ever speak his name, do you understand me!" She growled.

The girls cowered back "I'm sorry but please my name is Hailey, I'm Lucinda's sister."

"Why should I help you? Your sister murdered my family." Harley seethed.

"I didn't want this life. She threatened me to keep her location and Jamie a secret. I don't know who she is anymore." She started to sob falling to her knees.

She's good I'll give her that Harley thought looking at the mess in front of her. "Look I don't know you so I don't trust you. I'll hear you out and if you lie just once it's over for you. You got that!" Harley said helping her up.

"Yes thank you." She said whipping her eyes smiling a little.

"Yeah don't thank me yet." She said locking her hands behind her back.

She got Hailey in the back and told Antoni she's on her way. Antoni got the confirmation and signalled his men to get into formation. Just as she was close to the location Morgan channeled in,

"Heads up the powers out on our block. They were hoping we'd bring her sister to the house thinking we'd believe her story. She'd leave them a way to get in so they can take us all out."

Harley gripped the steering wheel tighter. "Harley I know what your feeling but you made the right call in the meeting. Keep your cool kiddo."

Tears welled in her eyes as she tried to keep calm. She willed herself to make Vincenzo proud. She wasn't going to let his name, his family name go down for nothing. She will make him proud.

Harley parked the car off to the side and pulled Hailey out.

"Start talking."

"Wait why are we here, You need to keep me safe! I'm not saying a word until you guarantee my safety." She yelled.

"Hey, I don't owe you shit! You came to ME asking for my help after your psychotic sister KILLED MY FAMILY!! You wanna live START TALKING" Harley demanded her voice ripping with dominance.

"Fine you leave me no choice!" She said quietly. All of a sudden the cuffs dropped down and Hailey came hurling towards Harley with a pocket knife. she smiled wickedly. "Now were talking" she laughed and took out her matte black stainless steel kunai knives.


Morgan's team reached the warehouse they've had intel on for weeks. Everyone left on Lucinda's team is right here waiting for Hailey to give them the okay to move in.

They don't know what the signal is but if she isn't near the house they are not getting it.

"Alright we have to make this quick they've already shut the power so Hailey doesn't have a lot of time to send them the signal to move out. If we wait to long they'll know something is up. Everyone in position!" Morgan commanded.

One by one teams gave their "okay" for the positions ready to move in. Morgan took a deep breath in "Rider talk to me."

"All good sir, Jamie is tied to a chair in the corner and everyone else is on the second floor waiting at the briefing table."

"Alright second floor, I want Jamie and Lucinda alive! Move in." All together they push in from all sides, and clear the rooms. One team stays hidden near the back for any escapes.

Morgan's team head behind the staircase while the last team blocks the front. "Rider shut it down, everyone goggles on!" Morgan demanded.

Lights went out and they go on the move. "Let's go we don't have time to wait anymore. This place is compromised." Lucinda gasped out. They can hear them packing up and someone grabs Jamie as they begin hitting the stairs.

They separate some heading for the front and others for the back. "Now!" Morgan says as soon as the get close enough. They run out and hit everyone out.

The team at the back killed the men there making sure Lucinda and Jamie were not among them. At the front morgan announced he got the targets and hit them with the tranquilizers. Everyone else was killed.

"How are we looking guys." Rider asks.

"There all down." Morgan confirmed as the lights came back on and see all bodies laid out on the ground.

"Let's move out!" Morgan shouted.


"Have you had enough yet?" Harley asked pinning her to the ground more aggressively than intended. They each had cuts and bruises from a never ending battle it seems.

Hailey breathing heavily "Vincenzo taught you well, I guess you were good for more than being his whore, how's Leo by the way!" She laughed coughing in between.

Harley drove her knee into the side of her neck while pulling her arm back more. She screamed in pain. "You better shut your Fucking mouth." She growled digging even further.

"I'll shut up when you and that little runt are dead-"

Her air way was cut off as Harley crushed her neck. She got off her body as Antoni and his team came running out. He checked her out making sure none of the cuts were too deep and they took care of loaded her body up.

Not too long after Morgan and his team arrived with Lucinda and her daughter. They were taken underground and out under heavy security. No one knew of this location but you can never be too careful.

Morgan and Harley met at the holding cell. "You ready kiddo?" He asked watching her expressions.

"Let's do this" she growled opening the door.

Little Leo Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora