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Three months later


Looking back on that horrible day no one would imagine things would turn out this way. They thought the fight was over and that what mattered now was focusing on family and friends. Instead they had to mourn their family and friends.

More importantly they had to move on for the better.

On that following Saturday they celebrated Leo's birthday the best they could. Him being distracted was the best way to deter him from the inevitable even though his world was falling apart and he didn't realize it. He didn't deserve to have to feel that pain.

All he knew was that his dad, uncle and grandmother were still out on a big mission and that they loved and missed him so much.

When it came time for the funeral it was truly beautiful! Instead of mourning we celebrated the many lives we lost that day. Including Vincenzo, Lucas, and Valencia.

It was a private funeral. Family and a very secluded list of friends to join. Leo understood somewhat that they were in a better place and that he'd see them again.

Morgan was appointed leader now and he choose Rider to be his second hand because he was as close to Vincenzo as he was. Plus he was there that night.

When Lucas and Vincenzo told them all to get out of there he helped get Riley to safety. Before he could make it back to help them get away the warehouse blew up.

He watched the helicopter fly away but didn't see if Lucinda or Mateo made it inside or not. When the fire was finally put out there was nothing left. Everything was burnt to char dusted on the ground. Rider couldn't believe it.

When he returned with the news he told Morgan and Harley first. They got everyone else together and told them what happened.

The only people that survived from their family was Rider, Riley as well as Antoni and his men from the earlier operation.

"Trust and believe they will not get away with this!" Morgan said over the phone and hung up.

Once things started to get to a normal pace Morgan started Harley's training. She would train five days a week when Leo was at school only so that she could keep up with her classes and all her other duties without tiring herself out.

She's come a long way. The first few days of hearing the devastating news she thought she wouldn't be able to continue but then she would look at Leo and know that there's no way she could fail this little boy.

She can't replace his fathers place but she can be that constant in his life. So she got up and strived to be better for him. For her Leo.

At night Riley and Harley would head to the training facility to practice more. Riley thankfully made a full recovery form her injuries and was back in action.

She sees the drive and emotion behind Harley's eyes so she made it her mission to help her become the best assassin she could be. Harley excelled in archery and knives. Those are her main talent which there hasn't been a huge increase in from the new recruits.

"Archery and knives are a great secret talent! But don't mistaken that as the main ones you need. Your combat is great and you've really taken a liking to martial arts but you need to improve your Gun control. These are vital to an assassin." Riley said pushing her further.

"Get yourself ready. The simulation will start! Don't shoot the civilians." She retorted.

Harley got ready and began her simulation. She got 12 targets out of 20. "Better. Go again!"

She worked tirelessly until she got all targets without missing a beat. When the mad with back home it was 2 in the morning. Morgan was more than angry the stayed out so late.

"Why am I not surprised!" He sighed frustratingly.

"We were just training Boss." They said in unison.

"I don't care what you were doing. There's a curfew for a reason have you forgo—" He stopped yelling realizing what he was about to say.

They both looked down in defeat, they didn't want to hear him saying it but it was true they needed to be more careful.

The last few weeks went by in a blur. Morgan was constantly chasing down leads for Lucinda snd Mateo while Harley trained more and took care of Leo. Her semester was coming close to an end and she wanted more than anything to have Vincenzo see her walk across that stage. The more the date came the more sick she felt.

At the end of her semester she and her classmates will put together a galley like before except instead of one huge piece they will pick several pieces they have been working one from the beginning of their school year. So from their portfolios they'd pick 4 to 6 pieces that they felt showcased their growth throughout their journey.

Since she showcased her set that Vincenzo bought the first night they met. Her next big piece that she has is the one she did of Vincenzo and Leo sleeping on the couch.

She'll defiantly add that one she's just not sure where she wants to place it. She had a medium seized one that she keeps with the other pictures she made of the family. She made a much larger one on a canvas so it could be placed on a wall.

She left her thoughts in her old room and got Leo ready for his bath. Once in the tub he played with his toys and blew bubbles everywhere. They laughed together and had a blast before getting ready for bed. "Mommy, I miss daddy." He said sweetly.

"I know baby I miss him too." She whispered kissing his temple. He snuggled close to her in the bed, he's been sleeping with her in Vincenzo's room every now and then.

Soon he was snoring lightly as she hummed him a song.

"Damn it Enzo."

Little Leo Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora