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A/N: Y'all ready for this?


"No Vin" Lucas whispered Tears welling in his eyes.

"Hey..hey you listen to me. We'll figure this out. You understand!" Vincenzo said as calmly as he could. He's never seen Lucas like this. Not since they were kids.

Riley got out safely but she's not out of the woods yet. Everyone else set their sights on Mateo and Lucinda, or whoever she is.

"Who are you really because this wouldn't be the first time you've lied about your identity or rather anything." Vincenzo spat as the lady kept her sights on Lucas.

"I have my reasons for what I did and I'll explain that because believe me, you'll Both! Want to know."

Vincenzo and Lucas looked at each other. Lucas finally spoke. "Talk!" He growled out.

Mateo was ready to bolt "what the hell is the matter with you! You could blow us all up." He spat.

"I'm doing what you couldn't and don't think for a second I don't know about you two." She said gritting her teeth.

"You guys need to get out of here." Lucas said not taking his focus off of the grenade.

Vincenzo looked back at his men and signaled them to listen. "Vin don't be stupid! You know what's back home for you."

Vincenzo chuckled "if you think I'm leaving you here, then you don't know me at all brother! I'm not the only one with people back home."

Lucas knew deep down that Vincenzo wouldn't leave him, although the situation is shit he didn't want to face this alone.

"Listen! I'm loosing my patience here. So you need to start talking and fast!" Vincenzo growled out.

"You don't have a right to even speak, this is your parents fault. Specifically your wretched mothers." She spat.

"Hey! This is about you and who you claim to be. If you are who you say you are then fucking prove it! You my mother yeah? So you left and faked your death! And for WHAT!! HUH? WHAT GOOD DID THAT DO ANYONE!! I woke up one day and my mother was gone. I was to young to understand, I thought she would come back but no... once she was gone I lost my father in the process.

I HAD NEITHER OF THEM! So don't come here claiming your parental status and blaming others. THEY STEPPED UP AND TOOK ME IN AS THEIR SON!!! Like I was their flesh and blood and Vin...HE WAS MY BROTHER THE MINUTE WE MET. THEY LOVED ME UNCONDITIONALLY! So don't you fucking dare." Lucas screamed so hard his face turned bright red and his veins nearly bursted.

Lucinda shook with rage. "You really believe that shit! Your as weak as I thought you'd be." She laughed out.

"I never loved your father, Giovanni was supposed to be with ME! We were supposed to get married and have the life YOUR MOTHER STOLE FROM ME!!"

"Your batshit crazy" Vincenzo rasped out.

"How'd you like meeting your sister and not recognizing her Vincenzo." Her words ripped right through him. "What the hell are you talking about." Lucas and Vincenzo looked quizzically at each other.

"You know who I'm talking about. Jamie. When I first left your father Reginald you both were seven and I was pregnant. I didn't tell anyone not even Giovanni. I was gone for almost three years.

I came back to get you Lucas and Giovanni of course. But he said I was delusional," she started passing back and forth.

"That what he had was an agreement and nothing more. So I decided that Valencia was brainwashing him into thinking that.

So I went to talk to her. I figured if I gave her a sob story about Reginald then she'd surly let me take you and run away and then Giovanni would come to his senses then." She stopped in her tracks and looked Vincenzo dead in the eyes.

"She said that I didn't deserve to take Lucas. That she couldn't see how I was fit to take care of him, that if the home was so bad why not take him with me at first.

She said he had a happy life now and that there was no way she'd let me take him away for her family." She was enraged reliving the memories.

"LUCINDA!" A voice boomed behind them. The boys could spot that tone anywhere.

"Mama" they said in unison as they turned around anger rising even more.

"What are you doing here? Where is everyone else?" Vincenzo asked gritting his teeth.

"Everyone is fine dear. I am your mother. I know all of Giovannis tricks. I did pay attention." She chuckled. "You boys need to let me handle this!" She said pushing them behind her.

"Well, well, well looks like you got my message huh?" Lucinda scoffed as the woman before her.

"I should of had you locked up when you came all those years ago. Did it really have to come to this. We were best friends in high school Lucinda."

"We were never friends!! You stole Giovanni from me. What friend does that! And then you parade him and your life around like you deserved it. That life was supposed to be mines."

"And you guaranteed that claim of yours. Giovanni had his eyes on me since I moved here. I knew he had girls on the side so every time he asked I said no. If you ended up being one of his side pieces then that's on you! It wasn't until senior year I decided to give him a chance and he never faulted." Valencia spoke sincerely.

"Just shut your mouth! Giovanni gave me a child so how loyal was he really. He wasn't a real man in the end anyways. I gave him a choice and he choose wrong. Look where that got him." She spat.

"Giovanni didn't give you a child so give it a rest already. SPEAK ILL OF MY HUSBAND AGAIN AND YOU'LL REGRET IT!" Valencia said approaching closer.

Just then the ceiling came dropping down. Lucinda grabbed Valencia by the wrist as someone came down in a harness heading to grab Lucinda.

"Ma!!!" Vincenzo and Lucas screamed as they ran for her.

Valencia grabbed Lucinda by the throat cutting off he air supply. When Lucinda let her wrist go she let go and was grabbed by the mysterious person propelling down.

"See you in hell bitch" she rasped out before tossing the grenade. Valencia moved as fast as she could.

Vincenzo and Lucas grasped her arms and pulled her to them.

Everything went up in flames.


A/n: six more chapters left <3 Thank you so much for 700+ reads

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