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It's been three days and still nothings seemed out of the ordinary. They've gone through about half of the footage and so far it all seems normal.

Vincenzo has them meet up at night to go through the footage so that it doesn't interfere with their daily work as well as draw attention to themselves.

Vincenzo called the guys into his office for a quick chat. "Take a break tonight guys, we'll hit it tomorrow night with fresh eyes."

"Yes Boss" they said in unison.

Vincenzo closed his study up and headed to check on his mother. When he reached her room morgan was standing outside guarding her door.

"Good evening Boss" morgan greeted him.

"Hey morgan, how's she doing" he asked as he quietly opened the door relaxing when he seen her fast asleep.

"She's doing better, she's not too worried I don't think!"

Vincenzo lightly chuckled. "Yeah that's my mom alright, has anyone asked you anything?"

"Just the usual, 'new position?' I'd just nod my head and say I'm on mama Rossi duty" he laughed.

"That's good. We haven't got much but we'll get something soon, we've been going at it non stop. I gave them a break tonight. We're missing something I can feel it!" Vincenzo sighed frustratedly.

"Don't worry Boss, you guys got this." Morgan patted his back in reassurance.

Vincenzo nodded his head and told him goodnight. Heading towards Leo's room thinking he's probably not in their. Much to his surprise there he was sound asleep.
"Hmm Ley's doing, I'm sure."

He walked in and kissed his forehead watching his body take little breaths. Vincenzo didn't bother to check Ley's room as she's been sleeping in his room since she's been back. She wouldn't be expecting him since he's been in his office usually all night. When she wakes he'd be on the couch not wanting to wake her and unsure if he should get into the bed.

Ley didn't know the extent of the rising problem but she knew it had to do with Valencia considering now Morgan was assigned to watch over them.

Vincenzo's pov...

When I arrive at my door the light is still on. I take a deep breath and walk in. When my eyes reach hers my breath instantly hitches, it holds me there it's non existent. Those big brown eyes I can never escape from, its like they peer into my soul to know my every feeling and thought that I can possibly have.

"Hey" I whisper. She just smiles at me. "What is it?"

"Nothing it's just.... I'm happy I get to see you before I fall asleep!" She says shyly.

A small smile etches on my face. "When this mess is all cleared up, I wanna take you out." he stated proudly. Her eyes light up and she hid her face in the blanket. I grabbed the side of it and looked at the woman I'm slowly falling for and I didn't even realize it.

"What do you say?"

"I would like that." she whispered.

"Good, how are you feeling?" I asked letting her sit up, I notice now she's wearing one of my t-shirts and boy does she look heavenly. I reach for her shirt and look into her eyes. "May I?" I whisper.

She slowly nods her head and I proceed to lift her shirt. I ask her to turn around so I can see her back, the bruises healed very nicely but I'm sure these marks will never leave. My stomach turns as the thought of someone as sweet as Harley had to go through something like this because of my family.

We're not bad people, we never hurt the innocent, we've made mistakes yes, but who hasn't, no ones perfect. Don't get me wrong I understood Andrea's situation but like I said that day, she could have reached out instead of kidnapping someone that had nothing to do with that situation. I was given that note before he left, he said to make sure she gets it after he leaves. Now that I think about it when he went on his mission she wasn't at the facility. Why? I don't have an answer and I don't have time to worry about that when my families life is on the line.

"Enzo?" she whispered.

There it is again, that nickname she gave though it wasn't needed. I actually don't know when she started calling me that, I think the first time I recognized it was in the note she left. I read it and I felt my chest clench.

I've been in my own thoughts for so long I didn't realize she turned around. "I'm sorry!" I said in all honesty.

"I don't blame you! or your family. Andrea made her choice the minute she set the plan in motion."

Anger heightens a persons focus but not always for the right reasons. Revenge gives a person a strength they didn't know they had but blinds them of the sight they require. Redemption gives a person hope to make a change and Forgiveness is absolute.

"I'm here, right here next to you. That little boy in there and this family have changed my life for the better. I was alone here while in school, I left my family home to pursue my dream and now I'm not alone anymore. I know I'm not Leonardo's mother but I'll be damned if I say I don't love him likes he's my own." she wiped the tear that slid down my cheek.

"You got hurt because of me! I cant forgive myself for that. I have never felt for someone the way I feel for you. Even when I was married with Rosalie, Leos mother, I did love her but I think it was more of the idea of her, our ideas just mixed but then after we got married and we tried to start a family she grew colder.

I met her true self and I hated it. she never made my chest feel compressed when I see her enter a room. I look at those big beautiful brown eyes and all I see is pure passion and innocence. Leo loves you with all his heart and he can't take you leaving him. I wouldn't be able to take it if you left me and Leo."

"Become my Dream Harley." I whispered grabbing her face in my hands.

A/N: Cute moment during such a hard time.

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