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A/N : My loves, I cannot express the journey this has been and you've all supported and helped me in so many ways. This story was originally on my reading page and I didn't expect after taking it down and restarting on a new page that it still get this attention in such a short time. I love you all so much and I can't believe this is the end of Vincenzo and Harley's story. I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I did writing it. This is a long chapter and I can't wait for your reactions.

2 months later


Harley and Vincenzo are leaving Chicago after completing their mission and to her surprise they're not going home just yet.

They arrive at their private plane and Lucas is there waiting for them. "I know y'all are tired but we got a long way to go." He said urging them to board the plane.

"Where are we going? another mission?" Harley asked giving Lucas a hug.

Vincenzo dapped up Lucas and thanked him.

"Baby go get cleaned up. It's a surprise." He smiled watching her expression.

"B-but I-" she stopped talking when he turned to look at her giving her a stern look. She took one look into his eyes and ran off.

Lucas laughed patting Vincenzo's back. "She's stubborn except when your around."

Vincenzo smirked "oh believe me she's tried, and she learned what happens when she does."

Lucas put his hands up and walked away "no details."

A/N: Lucas is no fun sometimes 😭

Vincenzo went to the back where their bedroom was and joined Harley in the shower and eventually made it to the bed for some much needed rest.

The next day she was woken up when Vincenzo brought her some breakfast. The smell of eggs made her stomach turn, she threw the blanket aside and dashed for the bathroom.

After brushing her teeth she met Vincenzo sitting on the bed with the breakfast minus the eggs now. "Adding eggs to the list now, how are you feeling mama?" He asked worried.

"I was getting use to the morning sickness kind of but now I can't stand the smell of eggs. This baby is trying to starve me!" She whined throwing a tantrum.

"Don't start that please!" Vincenzo sighed it's funny to watch but if he encourages it she'll do it more. He swears she does it on purpose, when it's very serious she'll act like she normally does but if it's just casual she'll throw a tantrum. It works for the guys but not for Vincenzo.

"Fine" she huffed stomping her foot and got in the bed. "When do we arrive?" she asked getting some food.

"A few more hours, you should get some more rest, that mission took a lot out of you." He stated rubbing her belly.

They found out she was pregnant a month ago. Vincenzo had their private doctor bring in someone from his practice that is an obstetrician to take care of Ley.

She's going into her second month of pregnancy and she's starting to gain a little baby bump. Every morning and night Vincenzo rubs her belly and speaks to the baby. She always falls asleep to the feeling.

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