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A/N - hello my lovelies. I can't believe this butterfly let me get that close to take the picture.


"Ma I know this is difficult but I need you to focus. Don't think of anything else. Just focus! what happened the days leading up to dads accident." Vincenzo pleaded.

"Vinny please don't make me do this." Valencia held her head down tears dripping down her face.

Lucas walked up beside her and held her hand. "Come on Ma I know it hurts but you need to. Why is this chess piece so important?"

She looked the boys in their eyes and tried to slow her breathing down. "I don't know!" She yelled.

She grabbed her face and closed her eyes racking her brain for an answer. Trying to keep the images of her husband out of her mind was the hardest thing to do. He was the answer and she couldn't face him. Not yet!

Rider jumped up and ran over to them with his computer. "We know that nothing was messed with of your dads car, so tampering or foul play is ruled out.

The driver that hit him is in a coma still and we found no ties between us so it was honestly just an accident. But your dads phone records show that he's had multiple conversations with this unmarked number for a series of days."

"Ma do you recognised this number?" Vincenzo asked pulling her hands away from her face.

"N-no I don't, I don't know it" she gasped between breaths.

"Maybe he was setting something up or helping with an assignment." Lucas said.

"Maybe so. We need to go to the house and see if we can find anything. None of this is adding up."

Just then there was a knock on the door. Lucas brought Valencia to the couch as Vincenzo opened the door. He was greeted with Leo running into his legs and wrapping around him giggling.

Vincenzo laughed out and walked further into the room with Leo hanging on laughing like crazy.

Harley stayed by the door admiring the too but was soon distracted by Valencia curled up on the couch. She looked at Vincenzo and he nodded towards her. She took that was a sign to go ahead and in no time she was at Valencia's side comforting her the best she could.

About five minutes later Harley knew she had to get Leo out before he realised what was going on. She scooped Leo up in her arms and said she'll be back to bring Valencia some tea.

Checking to make sure Leo's homework to make sure they didn't miss anything and replaced it all in his backpack before she put him down for his nap. Once he was knocked out she got the tea ready and proceeded to Vincenzo's office.

"Let me help." Ley pleaded.

"Baby I-"

"Just for tonight, run it by me and let's see if I can come up with something."

He looked at everyone in the room and no one objected I mean it's honestly his choice either way and whose to say they can't trust her. Right?

20 minutes later and they've shown her everything they had. She was a little taken back but retained everything she was told.

"Okay, let me think." She sighed. Vincenzo watched her every move. Excited that she wanted to help and even more excited to see what she does.

She picked up the chess piece and paced back and forth. She rolled the piece in her hands just trying to think of something useful to help them. It was like her first chance to prove she can do this. This was her start.

Just then she stopped moving. She moved the chess piece around. They all watched her intensely. At the bottom of the piece was a layer of fabric covering the bottom, but she felt something else. It was a very small feeling. You'd honestly miss is if your not constantly going over it.

She flipped the piece over and studied it. She ran her thumb over it twice, then she knew. " I need a knife or something thin to get under this."

Vincenzo furrowed his brows and handed her a pocket knife. She gently lifted one of the ends and started to peel it off. Once it was completely off there was a slot opening with tape on it and something in it.

"Guys look at this." She waved over.

They gathered around her and they seen it. Rider put his hands out. "May I" he said, she shook her head and handed it to him. He took the tape off and pulled a SIM card out of the slot.

"A SIM card, that was in there this whole time?!!" Lucas yelled out.

"Vin I need a burner cell to put this in." Rider asked.

Vincenzo handed him a phone from one of the drawers. Rider got the phone going and almost ready just as his Riley started calling him.

"Riley what is it?"

"Mateo is on the move sir! She whispered out.

"You know what to do. Keep me posted. Take pictures if you can!" He demanded and ended the call. Vincenzo got his computer set up and ready to receive whatever she may send to him. Once the phone was set up it started to ring.


He had them let it ring. The fact that it's able to should indicate to the other person that the number is of use now. Maybe they'll leave a message.

The phone ranged all the way through but no voicemail or message came after. Two minutes passed and the phone rang again but this time only two times.

Another few minutes passed and another call this time it ranged four times.

Then again but this time it ranged ten times.
Silence for several minutes.

"What the hell just happened." Rider asked stunned.

"2-4-10 that's the order of the rings it made" Harley said holding Valencia's hand. She was finally pulled together somewhat. Maybe the tea really did the trick.

"2/14 my birthday" Valencia gasped. "G-Gio"

"Ma what are you talking about."

"Gio h-he made a code. Anytime we were in trouble or separated we'd use this code to determine if were safe."

"Mama that's not possible. He died in that car crash." Lucas rasped out.

"There was an explosion after. What if.... what if he made it out. No one else knows this. We made the code specifically 2-4-10 because no one would know add the ten and four to get my birthday." She yelled out.

"Dads alive?!" Vincenzo whispered.

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