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It was around 2 am when Vincenzo left his office and checked on Leo. Beyond tired after his mission and quickly checking on things at the office he went to check on everyone before heading to bed.

Watching over his little boy he contemplated on telling Harley why he had an arsenal room. It was a secret for a reason but she wasn't wrong, and she did have a right to know.

She had a right to know everything but Vincenzo didn't know how to let her in thinking he'd made a mistake like he did with his ex wife, Leo's mother.

It scared him how close they all have gotten with each other but he also loved it because they needed this.

Like every night after checking on Leo he checks on Harley as well, he knocked lightly thinking she might be sleep already, he didn't get a response.

He waited a few minutes and figured she was probably sleep so he'll just take a quick peek.. He opened the door and pushed his head in.

The room was dark but the small source of light that peeked in from the window showed that the bed was never touched. He opened the door all the way and walked in calling her name.

Vincenzo checked her closet and seen she still had some clothes left. Her book bag and school stuff was gone.

In the corner of the room there was a portfolio pouch Harley left against the wall. He took out some of the drawings and stumbled on one that was a painting of him and Leo asleep on the couch.

Vincenzo was laying on his back with one arm covering his eyes while the other was supporting Leo while he laid on top of him.

There was a dark blue blanket that covered them. At the bottom right hand corner the picture was signed with her initials in fancy letters and it was entitled (My Boys).

Harley had been drawing almost all of the guards in the house. She even had one of Morgan by the car and Leo next to him with the biggest smile. Vincenzo laughed at this, his check clinching at how he handled the whole situation.

Vincenzo didn't know when she had the time to do all of these but some how she did and still managed to take care of Leo and practically the whole house. She literally cooks for everyone in the house, being the live in nanny doesn't mean take care of every chore possible yet she never had to be asked to do all that she did.

He put the portfolio down, sat at the edge of her bed and called her cell. It went straight to voicemail. He listened to the sound of her voice from the answering machine and wished she was right in front of him. He left her a message.

" Ley give me a chance to explain everything, please come back."


It's been a month since Harley left. Leo hasn't been the same, shit the whole house hasn't been the same. There is so much that is missed, the smell of her cooking and the candles shed light around the house.

They miss the music she'd play for Leo while she cleaned and he played with his toys or did homework.

Leo won't come out of her room unless for school. Even then he puts up a fight, hey lays in her bed hoping she'd come back.

"Come on bub you need to eat."

"When's Ley coming back?" Leo asked tears in his eyes. It broke Vincenzo's heart seeing him like this. He's never seen him so attached to anyone like this especially a woman.

He grabbed Leo and cradled him downstairs. "I don't know." He whispered to him.

He sat his son down and have him his plate. He told him he'd be right back and went to his office where Antoni, Mateo and Lucas was waiting.

"What do you have?" Vincenzo said in a hushed demanding tone.

"She hasn't left her house since the semester finished." Antoni said.

"Lucas let's move."

"Boss let me come." Mateo yelled out.

Vincenzo stopped his movements. "Your lucky you still have a fucking job." He seethed.

To him Mateo is the main reason she left. But in all truth it was Vincenzo's fault he just needed someone else to blame.

Lucas held him back and nudged him towards the door. "Let it go come on."

The reached Harley's house and adjusted their guns in their belt straps behind their backs. There's been no movement in or out.

It's strange.

Vincenzo knocked on her door but there was no answer. Lucas checked around back and found a broken window. He whistled for Vincenzo to enter the house but be on alert.

They both entered and cleared the rooms. Harley was no where to be found and the house was trashed from what was left of it when she took the job.

"Who the fuck would trash her place?" Lucas asked.

Vincenzo was seeping with rage. He needed to find her and he needed to now! They checked for any possible clues as to who may have taken her.

The bathroom by her room was the only place not trashed. He checked all around and found a piece of paper wedged by the toilet.

He opened it and it said:

"There's been a truck parked outside my house in the alley for a few days now. It's a black Cadillac I can't leave the house because I'm so scared. When I tried to use the phones I heard a light clicking on the other end so I decided not use it. I shouldn't have left I'm so sorry for leaving Enzo. Please find me.
Monday 8pm."

"I promise I will." Vincenzo whispered.

He ran down the stairs calling Lucas to follow, once in the car he gave Lucas the note and called Antoni to get everyone office and to tell Rider to get all security footage he around Harley's neighborhood and home. Morgan was to take Leo out for some fun that'll hopefully distract him.

When they arrived home everyone was ready in the office. Rider was just clearing up the cottage in the alley and was running the plates off of the Cadillac.

"Rider go."

"The plates are registered to... shit."

"We don't have time for this shit Rider!"

"Boss it's Andrea." He stated confusingly.

"She's back!"

A/N - Hello my lovelies, hope you like this chapter. Let me know how you feel.

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Double update

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