Chapter 2 Choices

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Prim pov

After my interview, they change my clothes back into my prison clothes and throw me back into my cell, I hear a giggle I look over and see Johanna in the cell across from me, "So you're brainless sister" "Who' I ask, "that's what I call your sister" "I'm Prim'' I mutter" "What are they gonna do to us" I ask, "Nothing good I can tell you that much'' She says. A few minutes later a screaming woman with red hair is thrown into my cell, She covers her ears and screams and screams, "That's Annie", Johanna says I've heard of Annie, she went a little mad after her games. Before I can say anything the door to our cell opens and a man comes in and drags me up "You're wanted for questioning" he says he puts me in handcuffs and leads me down the hall we walk into a room and he forces me into a chair and bounds my wrists to the sides. "Now Everdeen'' he says "You're going to answer some questions if you answer honestly nothing will happen but if not, you won't like the outcome ""When is the Mockingjay planning her next move ""The who?"Wrong answer" the man says he shocks me with a taser, causing me to scream in pain. "When are the rebels planning their next attack?"I don't know, ' I say honestly. The man shakes his head and tases me again. This time for longer, "This is only phase 1" he says "It's gonna get worse" "And you have your sister to thank for that'' He unites me and drags me back to my cell and throws me in slamming the door behind him. "Are you okay? '' Annie asks. I nod, "Where's Johanna?" I ask, seeing her cell is empty. "They took her," she says. I jump when I hear screaming coming from down the hall.  I fall asleep only to be woken up by my cell door slamming shut, I sit up to see Johanna crying shaking and soaking wet, "What happened" I ask. "Sh..shocks...W..Water" She says with a stutter.  I'm about to respond when our rations of bread and water are thrown into our cells, it's the only food we get for the entire day, and it's not even everyday that we get it. 

Katniss pov

"What's wrong? Peeta asks me. ,"No one hates the capital more than me" I say, "And I just keep thinking even if we win this war what's gonna happen to Prim", "I doubt Coin is gonna let her off for what she said in her interview" "Katniss", Peeta says. "You don't know how important you are" "Whatever you want, you just have to ask, not like they can tell you no" "Thanks'', Peeta I say he puts his arm around me, and I lean into his shoulder. To be honest, I don't know how I feel about Peeta. Do I love him? Yes, there's no denying it. But in what way, I'm not sure. Gale walks in. "I've got good news" What?" I ask. "Coin agreed to let us hunt above ground."

"You wanna come?" I ask Peeta he smiles at me and shakes his head. "Nah, you guys go." Gale gives Peeta a curt nod, and he nods back.


I aim my bow at a buck he looks at me but to my surprise he doesn't run he keeps on grazing, "He's not even afraid of us" "He's never been hunted before" Gale says "It's almost not fair" we take a break and sit down on a nearby bench. The cool breeze helps take my mind off of things. Until Gale's communicuff goes off. "They want us back," he says.

"I'm gonna drop this stuff off," I say to Gale in the elevator. But then I ran into the cafeteria when I saw the tv was on and my mother was watching the screen. "It's your sister," she says. "This girl was once adored by the capital and I think for you Prim, it must be particularly painful to see your sister spark such violence" "I miss you, Katniss" Prim mutters to herself, the camera pans to Prim and I feel my heart skip a beat. She's changed so much already. No matter how much makeup they put on her face. I can still see the bags under her eyes as though she hasn't slept in days. She looks pale and sickly as though she has a fever. She's lost at least 15 pounds. The painful grimace on her face whenever she moves or the tremor in her hands which she raises every few often to rub her head to try to self soothe, underneath all the makeup and fancy clothes is a person who's badly damaged. Even her voice is different, "Oh Prim," I whisper, "Do you think she's being forced to say things that she doesn't understand?" Caesar asks Prim. Prim nods, "Yes, I do" she says in a raspy voice. "I think they're using her to fire up the rebels, " Now, Prim, I doubt that the rebels will ever let her see this, but if they did "is there anything you want to say to your sister?" Prim nods and looks towards the camera, "I miss you Katniss, please take care of mom and don't let them use you." "I know this isn't what you wanted, I know that nothing you did was supposed to start any of this, the rebels have turned you into something you're not, something that can destroy us all, "So if you have any power or say in what they do or how they use you, then please, please get them to stop before it's too late, and ask yourself can trust the people you're working, do you know what they really want"? 'And if you don't find out" She reaches her hand up to adjust the collar on her dress, I look closer and notice that she's subtly doing the 12 salute, she wants us to keep fighting. The screen cuts off, and I look over to my mom and see that she's crying. "Oh, my poor baby," she says. I pull her into a hug, and she hugs me back. "We're gonna get her back," I say "How" She asks, "I'm going to agree to be the Mockingjay,"

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