chapter 8 What did they do

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Peeta pov,
I sit next to Katniss in the hospital holding her hand, Mrs Everdeen sits on the other side of her she has a brace around her neck from where Prim tried to strangle her, "It's called a hijacking" Plutartch says, "It's fear conditioning, a form of torture used by the capital" Beetee says."Used with tracker jacker venom "the venom messes with the victims mind and the victim is shown distorted images of of other memories or a person"  "So they changed her memories of Katniss" I say "Yes" Beetee says "To make her seem life threatening" "The venom also causes the person to have a massive amount of adrenaline and can make a non violent person like Prim become very violent sort of like taking the muzzle off a rabid dog, when they pulled Prim off Katniss it took four people to hold her down  "Can you reverse it" Mrs Everdeen asks, "I don't know" Plutarch says "The Capital is very secretive about this kind of torture and there's very little information on it, we're gonna try but I doubt she's ever gonna be the same" "and right now she's afraid of human contact"  I hear a sniffle I look at Katniss and wipe her tears away, "Shh" I say "I'm sure they'll find a way to help Prim, the Capitals only had her a couple months, I'm sure whatever they did to her can be reversed" "Stay with me?" She mouths. "Always"

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