Chapter 29

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Prim pov. 

I'm back in restraints I thought I was done being in these things, but after I found out my mom died I freaked out and tried to kill myself, now I'm on suicide watch and under heavy supervision.  But Katniss is okay so that's good, apparently, she's the one who's going to execute Snow.  I'm not surprised. I was also informed that there's going to be another Hunger games with the Capital's children. Frankly I don't see what good it'll the children of the Capital aren't any less innocent than the children of the districts. I'm broken out of my thoughts when I hear a knock on my door "Come in" Rory comes in and closes the door behind him. "Hey" he says "Hey" I greet back. He comes over and sits at the edge of my bed. "How are you doing" he asks I shrug  "I don't know" "Having a hard time" He nods. "I know, I'm sorry about your mother, I know how close you two were."  I start to feel angry, "It was Katniss, it's her fault, she did all of this" I can feel the anger boiling inside me. "Prim" Rory says putting his hand on my cheek "It's not real, Katniss didn't kill your mother" I feel the flashback starting to pass I start crying and Rory leans over and hugs me I can't hug him back because of these restraints but I bury my face in his shoulder soaking his shirt with my tears.  He doesn't say anything he just runs his hand up and down my back. 

Rory pov.

I know there's no way in hell I can understand how she's feeling, nor is there anything I can say that'll make her feel even better, so I just hold her as she cries.  she stops crying and looks up at me, I wipe her tears away and she smiles at me, and before I can stop myself, I press my lips against hers but quickly pull back, "I'm sorry" I say "Why'd you stop"? She asks. I smile and kiss her again and she kisses me back. I pull back and lean my forehead against hers, "I'm glad my memories of you weren't changed" she says. I chuckle and say, "me too."  

Katniss pov

It's the day of the execution, I've been given a bow and a sheath with a single arrow. Snow is being executed in the same place the tribute parades were held, I walk out to see a crowd of people and Snow on the other side tied to a post with Peeta Johanna Annie Finnick and Beetee standing in front of him, I walk up to my spot and Coin begins to speak. "Welcome, to the new Panem!" "Today all of Panem a free Panem will watch more than just a mere spectacle, toady we will witness the end of tyranny as the Mockingjay shoots the arrow to end all wars with this man's death, we will bore a new era!" Mockingjay may your aim be as true as your heart is pure" I load my bow and take aim; I look up at Coin and see her smirk and to everyone's shock instead of shooting Snow I point my bow at Coin and release the arrow sending it flying into Coin's chest, Snow starts laughing and coughing up blood, before I can react, I'm grabbed and dragged away I watch with a smile on my face as Snow is trampled and beaten to death by the angry crowd. They take me too a room and lock the door I sit on the floor waiting. The door opens and Peeta walks in I run up to him and he hugs me close to him. "Why'd you do that?" "She's just as bad as Snow, she's the reason my mom is dead. "I had too" He just holds me tighter.  The door opens again, and this time it's Haymitch who walks in. "Well sweetheart, I'll say this much you don't disappoint."   "Plutarch gave me a letter for you." "I don't want it" I say He sighs "You can't make it easy can you"? "Alright I'll read it for you" (same letter as from the movie) "So what happens now" I ask. "Home" He says "we go home."  "What about Prim" Peeta asks. "She has to stay here in the Capital to get treatment for her Hijacking she'll be in the psychiatric hospital for the time being" Haymitch says. "Can she come live with me after she's released" "I'm not sure" Haymitch says. "That's the goal, but we'll have to see."  

After saying goodbye to Effie Peeta Haymitch and I return to 12 Peeta and I moved in together and Haymitch lives next door. 

4 months later, 

"Katniss!" Peeta calls from in the kitchen. "Yeah" I ask wondering why he called. "I just got off the phone with Dr Aurliues, "It was about Prim" He pauses before smiling and says "She's coming home" I run up to Peeta and throw my arms around him. "Really?" I ask hopefully" He nods she'll be here this afternoon."   I can't believe it, after all this time my little duck is finally coming home, 

Prim pov

I've been at this hospital for four months receiving treatment for my hijacking. At first it was hard, but it got easier over time. I really like the staff here they're all nice and treat me very well. I hear a knock on my door "come in" I say. It's one of the nurses. Maggie she's in her mid 40's and is one of my favorites here. She's done a lot for me the past few months.  "I've got some good news for you" She says. "What" I ask. She smiles "You're going back to 12" "Really?" I ask wide eyed. She nods with a smile "Tomorrow morning and me and Dr. Aurelius' are going to go with you and make sure you get there okay"   I can't believe it, after all this time I'm finally going home. I hug Maggie and she chuckles and hugs me back "Thank you for everything" I say. "you're welcome honey" she says sweetly. 

Katniss pov. 
I spend all day cleaning the house getting things ready for Prim's arrival. Knock Knock Knock"     I open the door "Katniss!" Prim says happily. "Welcome home" Little duck" I say hugging her tightly. "I missed you so much!" "I missed you too" She says smiling at me,  She comes in and that's when I notice that she has two other people with her, one is Dr Aurelius' the other is a woman. "She's doing better" Dr Aurlieus says. He hands me a bottle of pills "This is the medication that she needs to take every day to keep her episodes in check as long as she takes these it should help keep them to at bay."  "But" He says "She's not cured she could always have a breakthrough episode."  I look back at Prim and see her chatting with Peeta he says something that makes her laugh and I feel my heart swell at seeing her smile.  "Prim!" the woman says to my sister. "We're gonna go, call if you need anything" Prim nods with a smile before waving at them both. they wave back before leaving closing the door behind them.  In the months that follow Prim slowly adjusts to being back home, me Peeta and Prim all help each other through nightmares and flashbacks Prim takes her medication regularly and other than the occasional episode which are rarely ever violent she has mostly returned to being a normal child.

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