Chapter 23.

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Katniss pov.

We walk through the streets of the Capital I can hear Gale helping Prim with her lines for her speech. I'm still not sure why they brought her out here. "Wait" Boggs says. "We got a pod, everyone take cover" We take cover behind a couple of buildings and Boggs throws a rock to activate the pod and a a pair of large guns begin to automatically fire. I look at Prim whose covering her ears to try to block out the noise.  "All Clear" Boggs announces, "Gale, Holmes with me" I look at Prim who looks like she's on the verge of a panic attack. She's muttering to herself and slapping herself on the head trying to stop the voices and the flashbacks. Suddenly there's a large explosion and I see Boggs lying on the ground. I run to him and see that his legs are blown off. He pulls out the halo. "Unfit for command transferring security clearance" "Say your name" He says. I do and I'm frozen by a flashing green light scanning my face. "What did you do" I ask him. "Don't trust them" Boggs's says. "Kill Prim if you have too, do what you came to do" His eyes then become a glassy stare.  "Oh shit" I hear, I turn to look at one of the Leegs and see that she's stepped on a pod. "Go!" Gale shouts we run as the streets begin to flood with black thick oil.   Prim grabs me and throws me to the ground with a murderous look in her eye. She straddles me and picks up a nearby rock. Luckily Mitchel pushes her off but not before she pushes him back into the oil. Seconds later he's pulled out in a net and the last noise he makes are a series of strangled cries as razor sharp needles pierce his skin. Gale has a hold of Prim and we make our way inside the nearby building and up the stairs. With Leegs 1 dragging her injured sister.  Gale holds Prim while Finnick injects her with a sedative. The oil reaches the top of the stairs before stopping and drying up.  "Camera's are probably covered by the oil now's our chance" Jackson says. "Everdeen give me the halo"  I don't move. "Everdeen what'd I say the halo let's go" "Boggs gave it to me" I say. "He transferred Prime security clearance over to me"  "Why would he do that" Jackson says. "Give me the halo" Jackson says pulling out her gun.  "She's telling the truth" Prim says having apparently recovered from her flashback. "I heard Boggs transfer security clearance to her" "Your word doesn't mean much" Jackson says to Prim. "You'd say anything for her" Prim scoffs and stands up with Peeta's help. "Listen" she says. "I've been trying to figure out whether or not she's my sister or a deranged mutt whose gonna kill me in my sleep, why would I lie to help her?"  Jackson thinks for a moment, "Bogg's told me that when the time came you would help me" I say. Jackson sighs and lowers her gun, "Alright solider she says, "halo's yours" "I don't we're gonna leave any foot prints we should move now"  Peeta says.  "Let's move out" Jackson says. "She can't go" Holmes says about Leegs2 "Her leg's too bad"  "I'll stay with her" her sister says. We leave leaving the Leegs behind. 

Prim pov

We walk through the now oil covered streets of the Capital we walk by Mitchelle's body and I feel sick. I did that, I killed him. I didn't mean too but I did. As long as I'm here I'm a danger to everyone not just myself and not just Katniss and I don't want that, I don't want anyone to be in danger because of me. I wish Snow would've just killed me rather than hijack me I wish I had died in my cell in the Capital. I'd be much better than this.  I fight back tears as we make our way through the streets eventually settling on a vacant house. 

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