Chapter 16District 12 part 2 Prim tells her story

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Katniss pov

I grip Peeta's hand as we trudge through the ruins of what once our home I cast a glance at Gale to see his face stoic and void of any emotion,  "Katniss" Cressida says "can you tell us what happened here" I try to think of something to say when Gale begins to speak. "We were all standing here, watching the games as you fired that arrow" "As soon as you did the screens went black and the peacekeepers forced everyone back into their homes for maybe an hour the town was just dead quiet, a little past 9 I heard their trucks pull out, I knew what that meant" "Then they started dropping the fire bombs me and a couple guys from the mines started pulling people out of their houses trying to get them to the fence but a lot of people were scared of the forest so they headed up onto the road to make break for it that way" He says pointing towards the road"  He kneels down and looks out towards the pile of charred bodies. "915 out of 10,000 I should've grabbed people some of the kids I could've carried" "You saved so many people Gale" Cressida says.

 He looks towards Prim, "I'm sorry Prim" he says, "I should've made sure you were with me" "It wasn't your fault" She says. "Prim" Cressida says "Can you tell us how you were taken?" Prim nods, "We were running from the bombs when I felt my arm being grabbed and felt myself being dragged away, the peacekeeper told me I was being arrested and he handcuffed me, I tried to get away but he was too strong, I could see my mother and Gale trying to reach me but they were lost in the crowd, he must've had some sort of sedative because I felt a prick in my arm, the next thing I knew I woke up in a bed in the capital, they made me watch videos of horrible things" "What things" I ask her, "Of people being tortured burned and killed, I asked them what those people had done, and they told me that they were criminals but I knew that wasn't true, they were just normal people, who didn't do anything wrong.  "There were many times in the capital where I thought they were going to kill me, and many times when I wished they would." Her eyes turn to me, "They showed me pictures of you doing horrible things, killing people burning them, trying to kill me. "None of that happened, Prim," I say. "But it did" she says. "You did kill people", I know she's talking about my games. "Yes Prim, I did" I say "but it wasn't by choice. I did it because Snow forced me too" Prim runs her hand through her hair "I remember your games" she says."I was worried about you" "I was worried about you, too", I say.

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