Chapter 3 Endless pain

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Prim pov.

Burnings, whippings shocks, drowning electrocutions rape you name it, they've done it. they've beaten me on almost every part of my body, I've become stick thin the same way I was before my sister won the games, Katniss, I miss her and mom so much, I hope they're alright, I hope they haven't fallen into some sort of depression. I feel horrible for calling for the ceasefire and for asking Katniss to stop the rebellion. Of course, I don't want that, but what choice did I have? If I didn't, they'd kill me, or they'd kill Annie and Johanna. We're all starving. They haven't fed us in days, The cell door opens and one of the torturers who I've learned is called Becker, grabs me by the arm, but he's not alone, this time Snow is with him it's the first time I've seen him since this all started. "She's just a child you, sick fuck" Johanna says looking at Snow with pure hatred, Snow just smirks, "You're next Mason" He says. Becker and Snow lead me to a room with a screen and a chair, there's another man there in a white lab coat, loading something into a syringe they strap me to a board, "Now Mrs. Everdeen" Snow says. "I would've liked for us to be friends, the way your sister and I were friends" "You tried to kill my sister, you destroyed my home and murdered my friends" Snow smiles. "No Mrs. Everdeen I didn't do that, your sister did, she's the reason you're here" "You're lying" I say, "Am I" He says the screen turns on, and it's footage of Katniss burning down the district. "What no, that can't be" "I know this is hard to see Mrs Everdeen" Snow says. "But we can't let her forget what she did to you" "To me?" The footage changes and it's me and Katniss in 12, except, no she's trying to kill me "NO" I shout that's not true, "Katniss loves me, she's my sister" "No" Snow says. "She's a mutt, "She's not your sister" "No" I say again fighting against the restraints, I know the images aren't real they can't be, can they?

I'm thrown back into my cell I draw my knees up to my chest and rock back and forth the images they showed me of Katniss of her doing terrible things they seemed so real but I know they weren't, but part of me thinks they were. "Are you alright"? I turn to see Johanna I hadn't even noticed she was in here. "What'd they do" she asks. "I...I don't know, they showed me images of Katniss of her doing bad things, and I almost believed them", I say starting to cry. "Don't" Johanna says. "Don't cry, don't give them that satisfaction" "We have to be brave, be brave and get through it" She says.

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