Chapter 27

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Katniss pov.

We wake to the sound of explosions and gunfire, "Rebels?" Peeta asks.  "Doubtful," Cressida says.  A broadcast comes on, and Snow appears on the projector. "Hello, I address all of my fellow citizens in the capital come to the mansion."There you will be provided with food water clothing and medicine, are and my solem oath to protect you until my dying breath." "Make no mistake our enemies have never known our comfort and our sophistication, and they despise us for it, they are not coming to liberate us they are coming to burry us" "Prim" I ask "Is he still in the mansion?" "Yeah, " Prim says.  "We need to find a way inside," I say. "He's offering refuge to the civilians," Peeta says.

Minutes later, Tigress gives me Peeta and Gale capital clothing. "There's gonna be thousands of citizens." Cressida says, "Just get into that stream and don't look up. "Good luck, Katniss. " She says,"Thank you, " I say, giving her a hug. Pollux signs something to me that I obviously can't understand, so I just smile and hug him. I then walk over to Prim, who is sitting in the corner. I kneel in front of her.  "I want to go with you," she says. I smile but shake my head. "No, you're safer here, but everything's gonna be okay." "Will you come back?" she asks. "I have before, haven't I?" She nods. I unlock her cuffs and pull her into a hug. She hugs me back with a tight embrace. I pull back and kiss her check. "I love you, little duck." "Quack," she says jokingly. I laugh and ruffle her hair. "Ready Katniss," Gale asks. "Yeah, let's go, "Take care of her, " I say to Cressida. Cressida nods and puts her hand on Prim's shoulder.

We walk out into the streets of the Capital and quickly blend in with the crowd. I take Peeta's hand in mine, and he squeezes it reassuringly. Gale walks on my other side. "It's the rebels!" Someone shouts, and utter chaos ensues.  Gale knocks a Peacekeeper down and takes his gun. "Come on!" Peeta shouts. He grabs a stray gun, and we're all shooting at the peacekeepers Gale and Peeta with their guns me with my bow and arrow. I hear a familiar beeping sound I look up to parachutes the same ones from my games. But instead of food or medicine, an explosion erupts nearly knocking me off my feet. Instead of cries of hope, it's now cries of pain and despair. Wounded men, women, and children lie on the ground as medics from 13 rush to attend to them. That's when I see her. "Mom!" I begin to run to her, but Gale stops me. I don't have time to process why before another explosion as the rest of the parachutes go off.

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