Chapter 25

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Katniss pov
I awake to hear my name being called down the tunnel. But it doesn't sound human. "Katnisssss," the voice says in a snake like tone. "Katnissssss." I stand there shocked and speechless. "Katniss"? Peeta asks. My name is replaced by a hissing sound. "What is that?" Jackson says. "Uh, we gotta go," Prim says. "It's mutts we have to go now!"Pollux can show us the way," Castor says. "Pollux moves in front of us and motions for us to follow  him through the dark murky tunels. We move silently through the dirty sewage water.
when all hell breaks loose. "Castor!" Cressida shouts I watch in horror as lizard mutts tear him apart and kill him. I shoot an explosive arrow at them. We run until we’ve reached the entryway underneath the ladder, but more have followed us. We’re surrounded. Gun fire is everywhere. I shoot my arrows I look over Prim who’s standing there staring blankly ahead of her. Lost in a world of flashbacks while I'm distracted I’m tacked to the ground by a mutt. It snarls and growls in my face as I try to keep it back. That’s when peeta shoots it with his gun. You okay, he asks. I nod.

The wind gets knocked out of me as I'm tackled to the ground. By one of the mutts. It snarls in my face as I try desperately to keep it from driving its razor-sharp teeth into my neck, my cuffs making it a lot harder. The mutt is tackled off of me I see Katniss stabbing it with her knife. "Come on" Cressida shouts, grabbing and hurling me toward the ladder. 

Katniss pov
The lizard mutt is inches away from my face before Finnick's trident skewers it from behind.  "Come on!" He shouts pulling me up Peeta grabs me and we run towards the ladder with Finnick behind us we reach the surface but before Finnick can pull himself up I watch in horror as he pulled by down by one of the mutts. "FINNICK!" I scream.  "Katniss!" He shouts, crying in pain as he's ripped apart. "Nightlock" "Nightlock" Nightlock, " I say and drop the halo and causing all the mutts and Finnick to explode. "Keep moving!" Gale shouts.  We run through the subway until Messala is caught under the lights, causing him to disintegrate. We reach the end of the subway, and I turn to see Prim on the floor smacking herself in the head, muttering to herself.  "Prim!" I shout, running over to her. "I'm a mutt!" She cries, resisting my attempts to get her up. "Prim, come on, we have to keep going!" "I can't control it" Look at me!" I shout shaking her by the shoulders. "It's not real little duck." The sound of her childhood nickname seems to snap her back to reality. "Not real," She repeats. I pull her up, and we run out of the subway and down the street.

Who should I kill off.
I'm not killing off Katniss
So should I kill off Prim Peeta Gale or Mrs Everdeen?

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