Chapter 15 District 12 part 1

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Katniss pov
We're going to 12 today to film a propo, it'll be me Peeta, Gale, and for some reason, Prim, I'm not sure why, but Coin insisted that she be here I'm worried about her having a flashback but supposedidly they gave her some medication to help. We touch down in 12, and I can feel my chest begin to tense. I look over at Prim to see her reaction, but her face is impossible to read. As we trudge through the ruble and pile of dead bodies that was once our home, I feel a knot in the pit of my stomach.

The first place we go to is the victors village. When we get there, Prim goes up to her room and shuts the door, obviously needing some time away. "This is where you kissed me" Gale says breaking me from my thoughts, "I didn't think you remembered that" I say He shakes his head, "I'd have to be dead to forget that, maybe not even then. Before I can stop myself I lean forward and press my lips against his, "I knew you'd do that" He says. "How" I ask shocked "I didn't" "Because I'm in pain" He says trying to hold back tears. "That's the only way I can get your attention" I'm about to respond when Peeta walks in "Boggs says it's time to go" He says. I nod "Let's go get Prim"

Prim pov

I have a lot mixed feelings about being but I feel calm not like I normally do in 13 where I always feel anxious and worried about having a flashback, there's a picture of me and Katniss on the dresser and instead of setting me off like one would think it makes me smile instead.

Katniss pov.

"Prim" I say knocking on her door, "You ready to go?" She's sitting on her bed. Prim shakes her head, "I don't want to" She says. "I want to stay here" "Prim you can't stay here" I say. She looks at me for the first time since I entered her room, "Why not? "I don't want to go back to 13 I have flashbacks in 13 I don't have them here" "Prim" I say but she cuts me off "NO THIS IS MY ROOM THIS IS MY STUFF AND I AM NOT LEAVING!" She shouts glaring at us. Boggs walks in and sits next to Prim on the bed, "Prim" He says "you have to come back with us" "But I.." He shakes his head, "I know you want to stay but you have to go back to 13 so the doctors there can help you get better, you want to get better don't you?" He's talking to Prim as though she's a little kid but Prim seems to be responding to it. "And your mom is in 13 you want to see your mom, don't you?" Prim nods "Yeah" "Okay" She says "I'll go" She walks past us down the stairs and out of the house. "I'm a dad" Boggs says to me. "I get it".

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